Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Ridiculous advertising

Could someone please stop the ridiculous spam advertising various drugs that is littering the blog page and has also made an appearance on the stream. Jx

Non Participation of members

Submitted by Sparrow on Mon, 2016-06-20 09:16
As this didn't receive any comments on stream I shall leave it here hoping that it will be considered by someone or discussed..

Neopoet Members
Submitted by Sparrow on Sat, 2016-06-18 09:20

A quick apology

I spent the afternoon de-capital lettering a lot of my poems. I'm truly sorry (and slightly embarrassed) that they seem to have now monopolised the wall from the home page.
I didn't mean to inflict them on you all for a second time, in future, if I edit, I'll just do one poem at a time.

Reviving Chats?...

Have you got that certain time of the day or night, that you would like to share with me?
I have been seriously thinking of reviving our chat room!
Maybe give it a new coat of paint and get some fresh faces in there.
Remember how much fun it was to throw some pixie dust at each other and
mess up Paul's office? We had some serious chats, some that dissolved into chaos
and those that made us all think and learn new skills!

Bloody hell, help please!

Nobody except admin has ever posted on the page on Facebook. Are you able to? Please try it and let me know. I will try harder there but I am strangely de-motivated. It's like I am just trying to think up clever quotes about poetry to post. I would rather others posted there and engaged in conversation. Is the Facebook page set up wrong?

Each One Teach One

Educate someone
About something new to them
Clarify their misconceptions
Help stir their desire to learn

Once a person learns something
New they will likely seek to
Educate themselves further

Tutor someone
Engage them in studying
Answer their questions the best you
Can or,
Help them find resources to find answers

Open someone up to
Experiences in knowledge

An Ember Burns

A once raging fire
Now no more

But, an

Burning still
Ready to ignite a
New fire

Neopoet is getting stale.

We desperately need new members, new poets, dare I day it? Growth.
Please, please please all of you who belong to any social networks, help promote Neopoet there.
Even any meme, pic-comment or quote, send to me or maggie (emogothgirl) and we will post it.

When I log in these days I automatically look for new members who are here for the reason we exist- to encourage poets and poetry.
all my love,

Congratulations Stan on social media!

Between the contests and your quote you are responsible for nearly half our total reach on Facebook recently!

Anyone with anything they would like to say about poetry or Neopoet on Facebook or other social media please let me or Maggie (emogothgirl) know.


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