Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



More then ever I personally believe we need to form a TEAM where together everyone accomplishes much. Further, if we had implanted chips in our hand big brother could monitor our every move ? Yet why should we use that type of form or method of communication. In our society we have constructed pyramids to honor our specific idol or vice. Whether it's in the social media, arts or sciences. We need a change of heart to light the inner spark of what we are looking for. Strong words from the average novice who has no intention in reaching out toward others.


It is imperative as a society that we start to move from a hate mentality onto love.
We could do this with HORSE : Helping Others Realize Satisfaction Exists.
In a world with fast paced computers, food & entertainment.
We need to return to the basics of loving your fellow man hopefully you will understand.
Where as a nation some don't even take pride in our American flag ?
Our ancestors fought to so faithfully uphold this freedom that so many take for granted.
There is lines being drawn in the sand only if we cooperate with the plan.

I know a City..

Soon, I'll be leaving Hobart heading back to the hills, mainly for economic reasons. I still be coming down here from time to time. For the few years that I've spent in the swell of the city, with Mount Wellington perched above it, and it's rivulet flowing through, it's withering and flourishing suburbs, for all it's cultural backwaters, and for it's cultural richness, it presents many conflicting perspectives and much inspiration.


I have asked two of our poets to post a poem that has the title changes.
It can be posted here as a comment, just to see the variety of poetry we can produce with just one word.
Open to all that need to change or have seen a change.
Take care out there and know that someone loves you for who you are not what you pretend to be..
Yours Ian.T

The old saying that “Politics is a dirty sport” has been justified many times over in almost every country in the world based on the numerous new reports of official corruption, misuse of official power and in many extreme cases the killing of opponents, critics and whistle blowers. Political machinations and misconduct have always been an aggravating but accepted necessary evil in many developing nations.

Do you want a like button or view counter?

It is against the grain for wordsmiths, poets and Neopoet.
Even a 'view' counter is against what we are about.
Excuse my language but fuck the attention seekers.
We are about helping each other improve, not mutual masturbation.
That is what keeps Neopoet utterly unique and important.
There is nothing even remotely like us anywhere on the web.

How To Help With Critique especially for newcomers

Objectives: To practice giving constructive feedback.

Level of expertise: Open to all, especially newcomers learning to give constructive feedback.

High and Low

A long running conflict, which has been taking place under the radar on one level has been revealed. Heightened tensions recently have exposed the deep-rooted divisions and raised this quarrel to an elevated plane. The yardstick of the simmering anger was that both sides were inches away from all out confrontation.

The conflict in question is the perennial struggle between short and tall men. Some of their viewpoints and grievances are listed below.

issues at hand

technical difficulties

Esker..(me) cannot post poems...2-Cannot contact for technical report..3-Cannot
contact trustees.....So I can only post here asking any of the AEC's for help
remedying the present dilemna...

for those posting comments here
take time to read
and assist
Thank U!

Mr Wolf!

test blog entry

test test..if this goes through and then stops
I am figuring out schematics of "glitchs"


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