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4 Generations of writing

Written By Sparrows Mother

To One I Love

When we first met just casually
Your handshake firm and strong
It awakened that spark in me
That I thought was dead so long

Two eyes so understandingly
Looking quietly into mine
Saying try to be happy again
Let your love be with mine
Before the ends of time

To ease your heart of pain
We parted for a little while
This did not break the tie
As when I came back again

I'm sorry folks but I have a hard time commenting on peoples post cause I don't know what to say.
It's hard to critic others when your truly at a loss for words,
Can somebody help me with this issue ?

The Culture Of Death

Culture Of Death



Can't We All Just Get Along ?

Can't We All Just Get Along ?

We need to take a good look from within let me begin
Shattered glass blood stained riots in our street
Some may seem to far way out of reach
Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow

There is a stirring in the wind a line being drawn in the sand
Let me be the first willing to understand the man with the plan
In the 70's Joni Mitchell coined the phrase, "We are stardust".
Through vast languages in the essential degree


Tough Republican Under Much Pressure,
How can we as a society sit by idle & not welcome him as president ?
The man hasn't laid his hand on the bible for the oath & social media bashes him.
The view's Whoopie Goldberg & Joy Behar have nothing nice to say about the guy.
We have people like Barbara Striesand & Miley Cyrus that want to move to Canada ?
Peace, tell me man give the guy a chance I'll admit he does come across as quite a bit of a bully.

Who sets the standard anyways ?

You know what I think is great about woman. No, it's not there outer appearance but it's what's inside that really matters. Is she fake, just out for herself paying you no mind ? Some woman are into materialism that it's so hard for the man to ever live up to there perfect standard. Hillary, you see may have a good heart but its really hard to recognize. Further, I like ladies who wear very little make up so you can see the true beauty that is hidden inside. Lastly, all woman are beautiful just some choose not to show it.

What Happened to Ethical Morality ?

As a Catholic, it bothers me to see. An ever increasing judgmental spirit among parishoners. We have become lax toward the sacraments & scriptures. Instead, we have imposed a new breed of highly sophisticated intellectuals who know it all. Yet who are they fooling? By reading the scriptures, not God? For God is not some man that he should lie. Nor the son of man that he should change his mind.

Time For A Change

There are lines being drawn in the sand hopefully we will come to understand
A heart bleeds for with a suggestion by putting in a timeless quest perhaps a search for unrest
If we remain idle and sit on the side lines we shall never come to know
A chance at which the willingness to grow in both grace & knowledge of the everyday fancy
Gone are the days with Sid & Nancy shattered from the 80's hit on the Berlin Wall
Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow a need to be heard

Ideas for growth;

For all members, I know there are many new
members and everyone has a voice here.
Are there any ideas that would promote the
growth of Neopoet, or help in any way?
We have an "idea gallery", under the help
tab but it's good to ask straight out, maybe
we as a site can kick it around here.

Richard (themoonman)


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