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A Heart Intention To Neopoet

As the season of Christmas comes upon us I'm humbly appreciative to Neopoet.
The enjoyment of being corrected is pleasurable to me.
There are many people on Neopoet that I wish that they have a wonderful Christmas.
Poems can take a life of themselves into a world of true artistic freedom.
Many hearts explode inside cause they don't have the talent to write.
It is my true hope that Neopoet will light the candle of freedom for the upcoming new year.
When I need help you guys are always available.

Marking time for youngster poets

make others confess
What they ought to profess
as does

you have given me
the spice of poetic life

now I don't silly ones compose
as in you alone confidence
I repose
I suppose

without your teaching me
could I have stood my way

my poetry now has legs
which carry it all the way

the credit goes to,
not divinity
but mainly to you
I must openly confess

greetings all

Anybody miss me?I've been off line and busy building new home. Am presently in hospital recovering from knee replacement and thus able to access web . Hopefully will be back to permanent return in a few weeks. Really been missing ya'll..........stan

Jesus Is The Essence Of Christmas

Jesus Is The Essence Of Christmas

Stand Up For Truth

They live among us yet they are really not of us. Let me explain, society today hides behind the false hidden garb of compromise. No one questions anymore perhaps that was so 1964. Instead we settle for a ham on rye when all the while we could have had lobster. Everyone today is struggling for the legal tender. It comes down to choice my friends. Will you choose to be faithful with what God has given you & have a relationship with him. Else join the hate parade that society is representing. Abortion my friend is murder.

Morality should make a comeback

What has become of that old fashioned morality that we were raised with ? Have you forgotten to say please and thank you my friends ? Instead I see an anything goes wild west type of society. Let's bridge the gap between love & hate. Create a world where it's fashionable to hold open a door for your neighbor. Also the classic ethics should be mandated with the dining room table set up. The fork should have it's proper place with the knife. Bring back good entertainment to such as The Brady Bunch, Fantasy Island & The Duke's of Hazzard.

A Society In Search Of Love

A restless soul out on the street tonight searching for another high. The wanderer who begs for mercy at the feet of Jesus. Fought back the inner pain from within. It's going on all around us people in search of love. The officer out on the field of battle is frightened inside yet burys his feelings in the sand. Yes, God has a wonderful plan for those few hearts willing to accept his message. We can cover our eyes by blinding our true intentions. Yet there it is in the distance a glimmer of light a beacon of hope to a hurting world in need of love.

Love Will Keep Us Together

Love to you sir can be acting not because you want to but you feel you have to. It could be in the way you treat your wife. Take her out on the town buy her some flowers & wine. Love should be the essence of one's existence. It should provide sight to the blind. We stand in long lines to purchase things. Next time you venture out choose proper words fresh out of the Autumn air. When I need love I hold out my hand and I touch love it's only a hearbeat away. Love is in the new born baby fresh & pure. Embraced in the hearts of lovers walking hand in hand along the beach.

All it takes is one poem to capture someone's heart. One song to be sung amidst the casualties of war. Outside our streets today people are being filled with hateful gloomy skies. There needs to be one voice. A line being drawn in the sand to make the mends. A tender heart can become a bruised reed by the harsh criticism of some. That's why it's good that the heart be established by grace. The amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. Just one push to put you in the light. Let your life become an opened Hallmark Card in which precious memories can flow !

Strict Adherence To The Law

Out of much respect to Neopoet & there establishment based.
It sadness me that there are many critics among us.
You see it is good if the heart is established positive feedback.
To me it's impossible to live up to their perfect standard.
I tried and I failed finding myself flat on my face.
As a poet we need to uphold one another I don't approve of some of your members feedback.


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