Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


when friends depart

Fare thee well

We lost a good friend
send him this rose
Heaven knows
which way he goes
life's ways are unique
we also will soon follow
if not, no one knows
we only our love
can only bestow

Punctating poetry--write web site eon GOOGLE

Punctuating Poetry Part One by LaMonaca on DeviantArt › ... › Non-Fiction › General Non-Fiction
Nov 16, 2008 - This overview tackles punctuation in poetry from a practical standpoint, but it's important to note that while there are "rules" for punctuation,


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parody demonstrative

...thank U

Wesley update

Just heard from wes. He is still in some pain but things are progressing as expected. He hopes to be back before long and asked me to say hello to everybody for him..........stan

A fellow member

Most of you know Wesley Snow and how much he means to the site. He has suffered a massive heart attack and undergone a quadruple bypass surgery. Please join me in sending healing thought and prayers his way............stan

2016 Contest List

Check out the Forums section for the 2016 contests. February is posted, the others will follow shortly.

Terza rima

A type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line “tercets”.
The poet Dante is credited with inventing terza rima and it has been used by many English poets including Chaucer, Milton, Shelley, and Auden.

"What is a Terza Rima Poem?"

A terza rima is an Italian form of poetry first used by Dante Alighieri.

to all

I think it is that time to go. I have no poetry left in my soul ; and I feel that I am near to some end. I wish it were not so but my body tells me no more.
I don’t want to leave but am too weak to continue. I am hoping this won’t last. I am doubtful a rebound is in sight. Nevertheless, I have never felt so bad and the weakness overwhelms me.

Writing was my only pleasure, and you were the only friends who stood by me. I feel so sad.

Thank you.

Classic Forms is up and running.

Sort of. Anyone interested needs to get themselves on that thread.


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