Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


The May Contest

There's a contest for May:

And, I am told, some confusion.

My sincere apologies for any confusion and may intermittent appearances as of late. Real world pressures have kept me away and my only involvement has been coordinating the contests.

To answer the asked question, the May contest should include all three items listed as subject matter:


obtuse...Decarte said it best
"I think...therefore I am"
Western Logic
and I have at least travelled
some to know the world is
Indeed round

the wilds left to tame or too
leave be is the interior
the deep is not empty
as the old etchings of mariners
would tell

an abbreviation
leaving the round
of its english
a crumb
a byte

of thought
in marginal
and digress

Chew On This (It's An Acquired Taste)

the world is biology
anything else is delusion

think about it
actually think, for real

don't be afraid

you are biologically, a "thinker"
and all thought stems from said biology

the world is made from thought;
biology becomes the world

(Oh!, and by the way, even delusion is biologic)


Prose poetry is poetry written in prose instead of using verse but preserving poetic qualities such as heightened imagery, parataxis and emotional effects.

Prose poetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About this result •
Prose Poem | Academy of American Poets

Bad Ideas

I don't mind bad ideas.
There are, potentially, an infinite number of them.
I know, I generate them by the truckload,
but most are thrown back into the ethos, or wherever they go.

The problem lies with the people who latch on to them,
then play them out.

This is where they can hurt

An idea itself is not harmful.

I can know about communism, and not behave as a communist.
I can know about religion, and not be religious.
I can know a tomato is a fruit, but not put it in a fruit salad.

Help with social media, please!

Maggie and I have found it to be a really full-time job trying to create a Neopoet presence on social media.
If you have any poems or quotes about poetry or pic-comments (so-called memes) that you think might get attention for Neopoet on Facebook, Tumblr, Google+ or wherever please let me know, by message or here and I'll post them.
We really need to attract new members, we seem to be in one of our down cycles.

Please join me in congratulating Raj for winning the April 2016 Neopet Limerick contest.

His entry, The Royal Rush, was chosen from among the field of excellent entries. You can read it here:

This month's contest is The Triolet and you can review the contest via this link:

A TRUE MEMORY RE-POSTED, "Mr. Cappolla's Horse."

a short story

Mr. Cappolla’s Horse: Part 1

Mr. Cappolla came down the street every Wednesday late morning in a horse-drawn pickup truck shouting in his own Italian a litany of fresh fruits and vegetables that he picked out on the docks of the lower west side of Manhatten .

Stalwart Character

I believe people can change,
they just don't.

I haven't,
not in any way that really matters
to anyone,
or the world.

That goes for most,
and is a good thing.

We all can be picked apart for our quirks
and perceived flaws without too much damage,
but pulling the wrong thread
can lead to unintended consequences;

an unraveling of self.


There will be enough left of you when you are nearing your end-time,to continue to live out your last days doing what you still are able to do., There is always a way. The day will come when you have to give into the pain and the years. It won't be an easy or pleasant time, but there is nothing you can do. Each morning you awake BREATH the air of Life.. Our purpose on this earth is to share our soul with others and, in some way, leave this place having given the best of your Self.


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