Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



As newly ordained "Member's Co-ordinator" my first task will be to remind all of you who are Advocates to be Advocates.
This site can not survive without the more experienced members taking some responsibility to guide and nurture new members, to mediate in disputes, to be the members of value that you are.
Advocates active are-
Barbara Writes
China Blue
Jenifer James

Poetry In Motion

Words can't express the deep love that I have for poetry.
Personally I choose to write in the free verse style.
With words that can be embraced in touching the human heart.
Some people choose not to use the creative art form respectively that is there choice.
I have learned on Neopoet that I fall short of what I can become as far as a success in writing.
Positive criticism has helped deepen my heart and kept me on the right pathway toward the goal.
I learned that I make many mistakes but I choose to be determined to never relent in my passion.

The Wheels Are Always Turning

I believe that one day, people will see what is right.
Cause until they do the world like a tire in mud
will just keep turning without moving.
Like quick sand sucking your life out of sight.

The Wheels Are Turning

Like a day is a day
A moment is a moment
The wheels are always turning
Sometimes not knowing where you're going.

Every snowflake is different
Every drop of rain is not the same
We get up everyday not knowing what will change
But change is part of life and nothing stays the same.

New Years Resolution

Not to comment on works of poets that cannot be bothered to reply or comment on not only my works but that of others..
We are here to learn so get use to it..
Love you all,
from A Bad Assed Sparrow

Like Hitting A Wall

There are so many poets
to deep to tread.
You get into the moment
but then loose the thread

The purpose looses meaning
The meaning has no depth.
Like a needle in a haystack,
you can't find the head.

You go back to the start
like hitting a wall.
You're more lost
the second time through.
You give up on the poem,
that's all you can do.

My message to you.
The deeper you go
Give your poetry motion
so everything flows.

ushering in 2017

A very, very
repeat as many times

A new era has started
'twill also will fade away
none has come
for ever to stay
live happily
as long as you may
we all will go away
one day
some day

This year or next
never mind
life has a vast grind

some live, as I see born in 1920
still some are dying born just yesterday
God’s will
I ask
can any one
ever that


It is a terrible thing to linger and know that every indignity you suffer brings you closer to the Unknown. You and Richard have been a Godsend,
Richard has what we call an “old Soul “ filled with compassion and sensitivity. He has kept me alive and made my life worthwhile for the moments I have left., I can’t hold on much longer.

Next workshop- open for suggestions now

One idea I had was each participant chooses one of their own poems that they are really unhappy with, just can't seem to make it work and we'll workshop the shit out of each one. We could call it either "Feeding Frenzy" or "Group Hug".


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