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High and Low

A long running conflict, which has been taking place under the radar on one level has been revealed. Heightened tensions recently have exposed the deep-rooted divisions and raised this quarrel to an elevated plane. The yardstick of the simmering anger was that both sides were inches away from all out confrontation.

The conflict in question is the perennial struggle between short and tall men. Some of their viewpoints and grievances are listed below.

One tall man said that tall men tower majestically head and shoulders above short men. Short men charged that whenever a short man looked up, there was another tall man looking down on him.

An irritated tall man remarked that short men are highhanded and are always looking for shortcuts. An angry short man rebutted that tall men with their underhanded methods try to shortchange anyone who is not tall.

Tall men considered that short men were one more grouping undercutting their dominant positions. Short men responded that they were underrepresented and overlooked in their careers. For instance, a little guy piped up that he felt that only short men should have exclusive access to the corporate ladder. He added with disgust that the big guys could work their way up using their lousy long legs, or at most with the aid of the corporate footstool.

Tall men believed that their brains, situated at an elevated location, allows for a higher level of reasoning and makes them natural leaders. Short men assert that they are able to think quicker on their feet since it takes less time for thoughts to travel from their heads to their toes.

Tall men declare that short leaders have a Napoleonic complex and are minute men with megalomanias. They add that all short leaders have been either hotheaded revolutionaries or cold-blooded despots. Short men caustically counter that tall leaders have always ranked high in instigating towering crises.

Short men say that tall men are making mountains out of molehills and all the problems of tall men go over their heads. Tall men insist that short men are going under with their repetitive refrain of stunted expressions.

Tall men state that short men can only speak one tongue - the language of height. Short men proclaim that they do not want to be denigrated any further with the “short” epithet and they want to be referred to from now on by the politically correct term “Vertically Challenged”.


Mark, this was just a (hopefully) humorous take on the absurd notions held by the antagonists in an imagined and imaginary (?) conflict but I guess that parallels could be drawn to some actual conflicts that are raging in different regions. As the medium for this blog and being a person of medium height, I can consider myself a neutral observer.

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Your respectful reviews are based on your innate wisdom from your extensive life experiences and that makes you a person with class in my humble opinion.

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Kenneth Coles one inch wood heel to make a statement!
little women fit under my arm very well
Other tall men...we drift together
over seventy per cent of CEO's are over six feet tall

I have to buy second hand clothes....but I pick expensive
clothes..we have many italian stock tall men in our town
donating items so Im lucky...
but what I have found was that there are tons of great
second hand clothes for people medium to smaller
tall people cannot hide in least five footers
just blend in

cars are not designed for tall men nor most chairs
and beds couches are designed for the most part
for not so tall

William Teach was tall in his time
Jesus was said to be six feet tall
both imposing leaders

I like the take on this poem
very well crafted
Thank U!

You have provided a review from up high and it's mighty tall of you. Thanks.

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