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Neopoet Weekly 09/22/24 to 09/28/24 Winner!

   This Week’s winner is Jokerface82




Her salted bludgeoning maw
swallowed vessels and galleys
with its green saline gullet of
barnacles, and a throat full of oily
spots of acne sticky limpets

Treasures guarded by a circle
of sharks in an ocean restaurant
pinching crabs,
and swaying seaweed keeping naval

A wave of wrathfulness, tossing
clubbing, floating ships, drowning
them into the abyss.
stripping seamen Into
skeletons with silent screams.

Supported by a howling killer
of a storm . Ripping, blowing holes
into arthritis wooden decks into oblivion
into the coldest dark depths.



                                                                     To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Nepoet Weekly 09/15/24 to 09/21/24 Winner!

                                                                                      This Week’s winner is Jokerface82


Grandiose Majestic Mountain

There stood a majestic
Craggy face with razor blade
Edges of a monstrous
time honoured mountain

Turning its rocky nose up
at anything below him, robust
Jagged and risky, high stabbing
armour with White shark tip
Cut throated fins.

Bald rugged with a silent manner
cold stone as white as marshmallow
steep and strong, bold and old
broad frosted shoulders

With powdered freckles and a storm grey
complexion it wore a white necklace
and a frosted crown, made
by heaven.


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Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest Winner!


The Winner of the Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest is  scribbler





Mid October a cool day
with a northern cooling breeze.
All hints of summer gone away.
The few green leaves are just a tease.

Tomorrow will bring the first frost
so this day finds me 'neath the trees
absorbing warmth before its lost
and limbering up titanium knees.

For I'm not what I once was.
Time has seen that I am not,
So I sit on a stump to take a pause
and breathe autumn's scent which I'd forgot.

Then turn my face up to the sky
as cool front winds begin to blow.
I watch the clouds as they race by.
They leave like friends I used to know.

My eyes water from sun's glare
so I drop my head down to my chest
letting my chin settle there
while I count the ways that I am blessed.

I'm blessed with our cabin in the trees
I'm blessed with seeing one more fall.
I'm blessed with grandchildren to tease.
I'm blessed with being here at all.

I watch a squirrel climb to its nest
for now the sun is getting low
so ere' it reaches ridge's crest
I arise then turn and go.


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Neopoet Weekly 09/8/24 to 09/14/24 Winner!

This Week’s Winner is  Edward nigma


 Cage of cards


 Chaotically clustered
cage of
cards covering
cynically silent
sides of life
plainly plastered
before my
persistently passing
presence of
the present day.
Thoughtlessly thrashing
out the leisurely
overlapping lanes
of possibilities
prancing through
the pressuring palms
of probability.
With a single stern stomp
taking back the cross
mask of control.
There steadily
stumbled down
the obliquely built
walls of ambiguity
freely falling at
my frivolously
fleeting feet.
Vigorously revealing
the vaguely vapid
valley of victorious
vultures who
persistently preys
upon the weak
minded ones
who decisively numb
themselves within naivety .
But still
I walk forth
ahead through
the foreboding facade
of fear
lying before me.


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Neopoet Weekly 09/01/24 to 09/07/24

This Week’s Winner is Trail




Once there was a man
Who wrote beautiful music
He wrote the music because he was sad
He was sad because he was all alone

But he was noticed for his music
He ended up being loved for it
And in being loved
He lost his sadness
And his music soon after


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



A veil of sadness
conceals her eyes
she averts his gaze,
integrity doesn't lie.

Retreating into silence
she hopes to hide.
He exaggerates his charms -
attempts to restore lost pride.

Ended engagements
are harder for one
someone stays behind
the other, chooses to run.

Someday they return
perchance to see,
if the grieving partner -
awaits a new entreaty.

Most grevious of all
is their intentional forray
to seduce the lover yet again,
only to stage another get-way.

Christmas Limerick

Though its Christmas, He won't come again,

As BIG G. Himself tried to explain

To His heavenly Host

Even told Holy Ghost

"There's no virgins, nor any wise men."

Pumpkin pie

There's really nothing better
than a fresh pie
cooling on the counter
just sitting there - almost ready to eat

And after you get done
whipping the cream
with a little sugar
not too much - just enough
it's perfect to top it all off

A perfectly browned homemade crust
flour,butter and a pinch of salt
rolled out and crimped around the rim
It's just a major accomplishment
that makes the day a lot better

A cell of flesh and skin

Here I live
In this cell
Made of flesh and skin
Yet, once I did fly
To the heavens so high
Singing songs of love
That rang out
Clear as church bells.
Fate or karma
Came stepping in
Arresting me in flight
Only watching me
As I fell
When I crashed
No one came to help
Broken winged
I laid dead
In this lonely hell
Is dead, dead
When you can still hear a hum
Even in the silence
Of my restraints
Chains made of veins
Tightly woven

(eddy styx and Dan Watts) Lady Pain lyrics

Lady Pain
by: eddy styx and Dan Watts

wild horses
couldn’t stop her
from ruining her life.
She was hell bent
on destruction
and all her
shuddering denial
denied her intentions
of exposing her
tender pink
silk and satin
and all her
feminine frills
like tea and crumpets
she needs her fix
of love and pain
laced with daily

Bemused Rumination


the balm of barometric exuberance.
This night
no longer young, dissipates.

the dewy welcome of sun-quaffed green.
revive severed umbilical dreams.

the present with fleeting acumen.
ceases yet emerges again tomorrow.

the kindling of autumnal reticence.
genial kindnesses shall spring.


Half Cut Moon

Glimpsing the suns face
The half cut moon drains pallid
Its dark side, hidden



solitude is quiet
in a
cacophonous sort
of way.

solitude is a print
with no

solitude requires

solitude is a memory

solitude is its own


When you're at school the buggers hold you down,
So many rules to control you
and make a child conform.

The teenage years are when most rebel,
Spirits are crushed under the heel
of expectations.

When you leave education behind,
Relief isn't found.
Eight hours a day under the boss man's cosh.

Pressure to conform and marry,
2.4 children and a terraced house.
Or at least be part of a couple.


I know this is two poems in one day but I'll be gone tomorrow and unable to submit. Hope ya'll don't think I'm stretching guidelines too much........scribbler

Well, there sits another bum
he's probably lazy, even dumb
I bet he pisses on the walk
and mumbles when he tries to talk

I wish they all would leave this town
seeing them just brings me down
pushing 'round their grocery cart
filled with crap they think is art


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