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The stream (all workshops)

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I woke to a heavy mist
a blanket dark a dank
covering the earth where
I lay that night.
the stench of death
stained the air
reaching cities far and near.

I lifted myself from the ground.
looked around to see
who was left besides me.
an icy cold passed through
my soul
shadows I once knew
strong and bold.
and for the pity of it
I did but swoon

Where is love.

in a broken smile you mask an ocean of pain.
tide rises and lowers, it drives you insane.

your eyes tell a story. you cant hide.
they marvelously reveal the devistation inside.

hard to breathe. hard to think.
hard to love. hard to blink.

in your home there should be no fear.
you're constantly asking "what am i doing here?"

The Earth… a movie

The earth… yes, just this earth
It is the title of one creepy movie
That we all of these parts
And outside these parts watch
Even if we blind our eyes
It still plays on our blindness screen

Below is an intriguing prologue
And profile of its actors
Best call them cemetery angels
Or the Death Dealers

Sexily Rabbitic

Rabbits only sexualize,
they homoise
are downright stupid,
in intelligence naught
forever in sexual acts get caught.

The sex in rabbits
surpasses all
you as a woman
too have after all.

Look around the world,
UK and India and indirectly America
are ruled by women

Sexual rape and body massage
are simple acts on their part
as men are born
with an external sword,
women hold the umbilical cord



Nothing is forever
for anyone.
the days pass us quickly by
as moments die
into old photographs.
Lovers love until
they love no more.
friendships fade into yesterdays
and the dreams we dream
are by God and Man forsaken.


You play these games, baby honestly?
It's such a shame, you think you control me.
Control my life, and everything around,
I've got my feet on solid ground.
And you cant stand the sound.
That my heart doesn't pound for you anymore


she pleads for rest
as a wave of emotion crashes over her.
she drowns in it. struggling to escape she creates...................................scars

with depth too great to measure.
deeper than flesh. than bones. than the very soul itself.
she is too burried in lies that she ..................................................................can't

find any truth. cuts hurt
but not nearly as much as the harsh
discovery of the world she lives in. she tries to.........................................erase

Carnal Haven (adult content)

Carnal Haven
the climax of my youth
was spent in his arms
where he stirred my inner muse
with slow hands and hungry thigh
he conquered my inhibitions
transforming me into
the keeper of my own soul
together we pushed the boundaries
of the erotic envelope
while prodding fingers of velvet softness
pressed against darkened star strewn skies
the voyeur in me came alive
sprouting wings of passion
from the sating juices of honeyed release
while the late evening breeze

Reminiscing… May 21, 2011 Doomsday

As the days now dawn
Without a rising bliss
Life is but a meaningless walk
Upon a dusty road
Of man’s own madness
In search of mysticism
To belittle the Creator

Surely, the prophets do die
But their prophesies do not lie
They come to pass at last
The earth quivers beneath
The sun consoles with a burning shade

For hell’s mouth is ready
Its hour looms in at last
Some Christens seek their God now
With due supplications
Others drink booze and more booze

The Ana (Creation Story) part two


Of Nothing now the Light shines thrice,
and Nothing lay in void and cold.
Creation formed of formless ice
in trinity shall chance unfold
and satisfy thru their transcendent toil. 5

Now as Samwiel, Mic~lor was free
and gifted soul as like apart.
Thus as Joss willed, the sundered three,
would seek alone what moved each heart
and make anew or as ‘twill be, despoil. 10


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