Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I Am Woman

I am a woman

It's not my fault
I was born a paradox
sweet and soft and malleable
but armed,
with a brain as quick as a rabbit,
a tongue as sharp as a dagger
and a spirit that will not yield

Kill me, beat me, rape me,
you'll never, ever break me
I was born a woman,
a goddess in the womb

not a stallion born to be broken.



Slap slap
slap slap
thwacks window pane, a car horn

trap trap-trap
exhaust, a flock of starlings
dust dust dust

fumes intoxicating
flap flap-flap flap
grind squeak, iron gate

grey silent, contra horn

flowers drop petals
floshed flooshed
floshed flushed

searing monotone
madness, frets
frenzied shouts
a slam.

Genie in a Bottle 1

My grief more than I know
Locked in my veins
Lashed out in my system
Makes me cry out in vain
At your disappearance

You left me all alone
In this dark cold world
To fight these hard core battles
At least, when you were here
I found comfort in a companion

Like a genie bottle
I would take you from the sill
Nigh my heart
Place you on my knobby knees
Log you on the internet

Abstraction, Algebra and Anger

Clever. Sometimes I'm just too clever
for the logic of my pen. My hands better in supplication
than the subtraction manifest in solemn rites of division
though I am not yet conquered by the aftermath left in
the spongy wake of lovers and starfish, trying out
walking feet in the crazed
boat of despair.
Why do I get the feeling
that all is lost but the sea? You say I am full
of myself. Well, who else would share your bed?

Crystal Heart

My heart pure crystal when you came to me
Full of love sharing caring
Yet always close to breaking

I warned you that you can share my time
But do not shatter my dreams
However you had an agenda

To use me up and spit out the pieces
A crystal heart already easily shattered
You hit hard with greed and anger

Took the remainder of crystal glowing
Consumed all I had given
Yet I remained smitten

You etched the shine with abuse
Laughed as my heart cracked in two
The love that grew

Was now in pieces



I took the words that tell
my thoughts and fears
locked them with a key
in a quiet place
where no one will
see them

I’ve opened up my heart
bore my soul
to set my spirit free
from the demons
that are hunting me

but the world can be
a cruel and unforgiving
place for some…
for most.


"Fuck it! be frank!!" Meri stood five eight
filling my doorframe
"Sure Deth" (she fucking hated that fore
shortened mention, reminded her of her
father whom fucked off politely when she
was four..I'd heard the story over many
a bottle of jack and black cherry cola)

your reminding me of marybeth
save the gloom and doom
as you savour your exotic rage
that seeps down walls and
fills my rooms

Three Types of People

Have you ever stopped and wondered,
Just why a tear drop falls,
Or ever sat and pondered,
The existence of us all,
I have often sat and thought this through,
There atop my horse,
It is my belief that life is like a river true,
One that must run its narrow course,
Irregardless what we do,
To stem its flow to sea,
It dances toward the blue,
And we won’t just let it be,
Always trying to stop it,
To slow its progress down,
Never thinking to take a hint,
As it runs us to the ground,

No More Poems

I can’t write anymore,
No love poems today,

I’m stuck in this rut,
With no plan of escape,

I feel like a puddle of mud,
On this imaginary driveway,

I don’t want to move,
Just laze away all day,

I won’t write a thing,
At least not today,

But I’ll be up all night,
Working away,

And not a single line,
Of these useless rhymes,
Will make a poem,
No way.


You Poet

I can imagine you walking along side the boulevard
all alone, in the lap of nature,
which does each one of us nurture,
to the quietude of some symphony
in the far off distance,
perhaps Nigeria,
playing a tune of dismal melancholy,
awaiting the snowflakes to melt
upon your shoulders
as others all slumber in peace,
within their cozy comfy vaults
dreaming of what looks outside
like a storm,
as you traverse in real form.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.