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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A love like ours

In a world where hearts are cold and weary,
Our love burns bright, so pure and cheery.
With every beat, our souls entwine,
A love so deep, it's almost divine.

Like a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
Our love whispers sweet nothings in every way.
In the darkest night, you're my shining star,
Guiding me through, no matter how far.

In your embrace, I find my peace,
A love like ours will never cease.
Through storms and struggles, we'll remain strong,
For you are where I truly belong.

Steely Dan sing queen (me)
outdid himself on sixtieth anniversary
after Grahame Wood
determined to meet
the evolving needs of the community
opened the first Wawa Food Market
in Folsom, PA, on April 16, 1964.

Today marked the sixth decade
since George Wood started
the Wawa dairy in 1902,
and it quickly became
a trusted name for fresh,
quality dairy.


April brings me hope
Refreshing my heart with love
Seeking one to share

Runaway brain

I hear it coming
my runaway brain.
The deafening thunder
like a long black train.
Caught like a shoe
under the track.
The wheels are turning
and there's no going back.
A thousand verbal options
like mental spittle.
Create a crescendo
at the bottom of a bottle.
I've nowhere to go
with nowhere left to stand.
Humiliation makes
a merciless demand,
but come tommorow
I will rise again.
To face another day
and do it all again!

April fool I was

In the month of April, a fool was born,
A jester of jests, with laughter torn.
Playing pranks with a mischievous grin,
Darling April fool, full of tricks within.

A dance of deception, a master of disguise,
In the realm of fools, you truly rise.
With a twinkle in your eye, and a skip in your step,
You lead us all on, with secrets well-kept.

Your laughter echoes through the springtime air,
As you weave your jokes with a flair.
A puppeteer of chaos, a creator of mirth,
You bring joy to the corners of the earth.

Whereby I confessed being guilty
impossible mission to escape accusation
of prurient transgressions
wrought transformation and self condemnation
additionally begat demonstrable emasculation
against accepting, kindling,
urging temptation toward verboten fruit,
clearly communicated, albeit clumsily
courtesy non verbal gesticulation
labeling mine promiscuous, lascivious,
horrendous... behaviour reviling.

Dodging Section 8 Bullet

Beware of section 8. Tenants are being evicted daily when the system doesn't pay their portion of the rent.

Thank God mama's cousin rented her Mama's house to her, Daddy, and us 7 kids when our rental burned down when we were young teens in the '70s thus averting housing authority apartments in Friendship Apartments when first built.

Again God intervened when a single mom of one, who's 38 today, decided not to rent their mama's house through section 8 but sold it instead.

Pandora's Box

Indulge yourself in this fictitious tale
About a girl who removed a lid.
Upon said lid’s abrupt removal
She convinced herself of just approval.
The box she was terribly teased by
Of which the lid was quickly removed,
Proves to us all that temptation’s not easy.
This was Pandora’s box of deadly sins
There were seven of them in total
Because she was mistaking hopeful.
As a result of her hope in the box we can’t cope.
We’re human and our lives are tormented
All because the girl was greedily tempted.

Spring Fling

You came into the world,
In September, it was Spring!
Unplanned, yet full of life,
A tiny little thing.

Your smile was like the sun,
You lit up a darkened room
Your eyes reflected who you were
You grew up, far too soon.

The love you have, inside of you,
Your heart could be, the flower.
Standing brightly in your garden
Your stems, they give you power.

So here you are in this Spring fling,
For all of us to see.
In full bloom, that small wee thing,
Was really just old me.

The light inside

Are your motives as pure
as you'd like them to be?
Do you think about things
that ought not to be?
When the morning returns
were you able to sleep?
Is your heart heavy laden
with the dreams that you keep?
Does your conversation lag
does it put you to sleep?
When you can't find the words
that are worthy to repeat.
Did your mantra empower you
or induce your retreat?
Did you discover a way
to release your negativity?
Did you fight your way out
are you back on the street?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.