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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Subsidy Removal Strike

I looked at the streets of Lagos
Humans and vehicles disappeared
Freedom Park attracted a protest
Prices of things have gone up
Living wage becomes harder to run
Sudden subsidy withdrawal on fuel
The reason reeling at the center
Civil society joined hands with labour
Against the reversal of pump price
Hear the cry and the indignation
Like salt added to an open wound
The pains bit deep to the marrow
A call to address endemic sleaze
And bring perpetrators to justice


With a robust smell that fills the air,
Better than coffee any day, anywhere.
The smooth flowing flavor when bitten,
Oh honey, I'm smitten .
For Chocolate.

The white chocolate so mild and sweet,
Different from the others how neat.
A subtle hint of cocoa bean,
Without being really rich and lean.

Poem for N.A.Y.A

Standing still only made the embers burn you more easily,
And yet they were so beautiful,
Because they didn’t hurt you,
You constantly change your skin.

Standing in the dark made you more mysterious,
No one would have approved,
But many would have accepted you,
No one ignores you.

Rubbing your skin with paint made you all the more unique,
You had made us all fall in love,
While others sought your end,
You are color.

transformation vs transmigration revision

you all have transformed,
a non- poet to one
now you

out of many poems,
can't yet find fifty-one
to enclose in a book form

can someone salvage!
identify the ones
which across the internet shall spread
as all earnings if any
will be Cancer’s kitty
have no pity,
read upon my souls transmission,
heaven has sent me on this mission

for man is born to die one day,
more unfortunate ones
go the cancer way.

In the Arms of Deep Mid-Winter

i hate your cold feet
you always did wear your socks to bed
and i never knew what it meant
until it was too late

and now you're gone.

something was always between us,
your arms were shirtsleeves
the top of your head
always had a hat on it
your lipstick and makeup
left a bad taste in my mouth
your neck was wrapped in a scarf
your shoulder was iced
and there was no good place to place a kiss.
your fingers were just numb
your touch couldn't feel
and always bitter sweet.

Voyeur in the new Dark Ages

There's a recluse
inside dying to get out
and smash and grab all the loot
handed down from generation to
generation. Ill-gotten gains, plundered
resources of earth, mined and refined on
nearly-broken slave-like backs of hatted people
just trying to stay alive.
There are no fair wages if paychecks stretch
from here to food banks and the threat of joblessness
or illness looms but one or two paychecks away.


Margaret Ann Waddicor 2012.

Crown my Venus mountain with the your friuits
of summers sun, their ripened glow of colours
fill my cup,
as does the bee it's visit honeyed sweet,
our hearts meet in nectars so complete,
charges passions flames with heat of forest fires
that satiate the peak of our desires.

Depth Delve

delicious transfixation
your lashs catching
light against the
dark mutations

pupil search
on this ovid sky
you tell me the
horizon is where
the degree starts
and your accidental
prediction stars
go point

wool blend jacket collar
rises and you seek
a bright tommorrow

I see a blue transfer
ticket fluttering down
the street
and feel your shadow
filling mine
we are lost
together before our

I Am

Scientifically manifested,
In mind
Spirituality has left me far behind
Once in an unknown heaven
I shall be the soul you all now think of.
That I once was...
Who walked the sojourn?
Of an isolated life alone
But without a moan,

Life is made to ones asking,
Controlled by:
Believe me or not
I have the least inclination
To prevail upon individual entities
God and my Time
Bless living humanity


Blind fury, as my finger blaze on nickle-wound Ernie Balls
Pandora set to 'Rock Radio'
Sweet Child of Mine
Bon Jovi
All float through, and erase my memory
Sweat drains from my pores
along with it, the ability to give a fuck about anything
The Fender screams in my place
and my heart lightens
my eyes open
and I see the day in a new light


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.