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Depth Delve

delicious transfixation
your lashs catching
light against the
dark mutations

pupil search
on this ovid sky
you tell me the
horizon is where
the degree starts
and your accidental
prediction stars
go point

wool blend jacket collar
rises and you seek
a bright tommorrow

I see a blue transfer
ticket fluttering down
the street
and feel your shadow
filling mine
we are lost
together before our

I'm staying late tonight
you tell me
and I nod
watching a raven sweep
its wings across our sky
Nights peepsight

you leave with your
wild mane aflame
with breeze and light

my shoes are still damp
im still asleep
that part of self
and I tiptoe along
half dreaming
lost in the beauty
of all these visions

Editing stage: 


from dreams and stumbling into the stream
its surreal some days
I see things so vivid
I cannot avoid not being caught
in details

I wish it were just a dull look
but no
its always in depth
in colour and three dimensions
if not more

hard to be a poet artist dreamer
but thats my gift
my affliction

my curse

author comment

and you do it so very well...

always, Cat (a fan)

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

the law of God placed in me a gift
and I shall hide thee light under bushel not!!

why could I not have been just an ordinary stooge
about my day with bar and wife
the ordinary life??

instead the fire grows and grows
this vivid madness in its throes
and my sparce vocabulary
from whence I wander
lone and wary

my pittance gathering of
words to ignite
the lamps to signal or to

the fire dance
that spins sojourn

author comment

long when language was not written and most
people were illiterate and the true sense
of the word "ignorant" these ryhymnes just
like modern Rap of which I do like very much
(thanks to the step teen showing me its cultural
importance and intense emotional outlet for
the songwriter musician genuises)
Its easy to recall in our simple human brains

I was taught by loving christian parents
(my dad even was upstanding and belonged to the Masonics
I could have joined but turned it down)

They bought childrens books and read to us
the most famous classics of historical times
for westerners a love that grew inside me
and sustained me in times of emotional drought

but yes I remember the flow of it
how they encouraged us to read aloud

I think its the rap that I listen too that really
have me in that mode now.. The youngster even
dances to this stuff and knows all the words
teaching me some dance moves Zoomba?? I dont
know I got no ryhtymn and its hard to ryhmne
thinking I could be doing something else with
my precious time

ha ha ha

author comment

I have just been interviewed and they asked what we had got out of life and what we regretted, life os to good to dwell on regrets I feel, its her and NOW and both you and I are able to be in that time.

Long I was puzzled that others didn't share my way of looking at the world, it didn't really dawn on me that they saw so differently before I was 40 yrs. Then that explained a lot. but what? I am not sure in the end.

I don't care any more, I am me and that's what I've got to be.

Every day is so very exciting, the sky, the rubbish, the wet window, whatever can send me into raptures, possibly looked upon as slightly insane, but what a rich life I have and all for free!!

Your poems have the same impact.
Atcha matcha giddy gotta whatta willa way
stickit bite it witches fight it
red white black and grey.
I don't know much about Rap,
but can enter into the feel of it
as I love rhythm and dance.

Write on sweet bard or the wild open places.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

winter wraiths come to meet me
Im taken aback by these precious
this hook horned moon gliding
patient through her nights

to be so eased
and unbridled
the wilds
are forever waiting

why do I wait
and still carry this

there is but only Now
and I feel the chills
the aches the warm
hot soup
delicious tea

so it may settle me
a spell
and I can draw
into dreams

and read my fortune
from the well

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