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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




I'm a man with simple tastes for dynamite, gasoline and knife

Knife shows who people really are in their last moments….. you see,  it… uh, It lets you learn.

Guns aren’t that clean. So, I am not that much into guns.

I am your only entertainment who expects mayhem as returns

I set fire to everything but I don’t do it for stunts

I am amidst a social experiment to prove “everything burns!”


Schemes you made to endless state

backed with the vision to illustrate.


churn the toilsome task

the jet king lay with broken backs
our enemy will feel our racks
sleek filled with bombs
and piloted by pretty blondes

the twilight time has thus
arrived and dwindled down
mans perfect tribe
our archive war machines
we trust will keep our
foes in blood and rust


Awakened on a late spring night.
Unsure by what, it doesn't matter.
Perhaps a stab of full moon's light
caused my peaceful sleep to shatter.

Well past midnight says the clock
which slowly tics my life away.
The open window fails to block
sounds unheard in light of day.

From the pond a frog's base burps
echo from the far side's ridge
where the peepers' cry usurps
a far train's passage on a bridge.

opee nee yawn!

What's this about opinion?
Just some exclusive right of people to say their idiotic
Believe their moronic
accept their own views
Denying the need of a more enlightened clarification.

A Hill With No Name

A puff of dust,
A slight slow breeze,
My foeman steps beneath the weeping trees,

A whispered word,
A lovers touch,
She lied to me about much,

Her body was sweet,
Her lips were red,
Today her poison kiss leaves one man dead,

He stops and turns,
He meets my eyes,
This man who took my lying wife,

He brushes back his duster,
He slips his hammer strap,
His actions have led him into my trap,

He dips his hand,
He draws his steel,
But my equalizer is poised for the kill,

WOUNDS updated


My wounds bleed
hard and deep
My heart is blind
to its own light
and my soul seeks peace
fleeing far from itself
into distant places
Let the madness come
and all knowing be done !

He sings to me

He sings to me

I"m the happiest when
i'm within the one note you sing to me
eavesdrop quietly
a faint back into a prism of lyrics
too absolute to possess
I let it breathe then rest
on the abstruse center of my back
a scale pulse decrypt rungs nexus intricacies
a looped spinal cord
emancipate movement to the accompaniment of fingertips
a prod boney keys
to lessen her aches and pangs so as to create again in chancel

© 2012 Lepadah

Autumn Walk

grinding ink
rice paper for the haiga
ginkos remain

maple leaf dances
across stony creek

warm sunlight
red leaf filtered
brisk breeze

dried leaves swirl
raise and fall on the eddy

dead birch stands out
among red gold and orange
old ghost

black and white
ink streaked rice paper
fall colors appear



When dark becomes the night
no moon nor stars in sight
but woes, sighs and cries,
how sadly look the skies.

Then bright shall come the day
to sweep that dark away.
The sun, shining for miles
adorns the skies with smiles.

Thor (constructive feedback workshop)

He rumbles in the distant haze
feet heavy
in the groaning grey’s
grumble and quiver
and threatens
to let loose the deluge
held in promise
by the hovering black
as he incites air-quake with every angry step


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.