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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Our Love

Our Love

Like the sun shining at day break
on mountain peaks standing tall
Under white clouds moving quietly
Amid blue skies in stormy seasons
Our love makes lonely hearts
Wish for one more chance at love

Like rivers running wider than the eyes can see
Where the sunset falls slowly into deep valleys
Under reddish heavens resilient colors
Streaking the wind driven seas
Our love makes lonely hearts
Wish for one more chance at love


Squawking crows submerging, the doom lit forest    
The sky, slate grey in its misery,
Soul keeper emerges from his unholy lair.
Sub human in his disposition,
Instilling fear and dread in humanity,

Where there once was a man
 there is now a immortal being
Twisted interpreter of pain.
Fallen angel, intimate in his distain.
Society's dross, morality dribbled  away 
Day by day.

Unfair Vanity

Unfair Vanity……

She waves a bottom
so sinfully nice,
not many men wouldn’t
care to look.
He had a plastic beard
pointing to his chest,
his indifference
points to an arrogance.

Clearly uncomfortable
with each other,
it was not
a happy romance.
She only saw skylines
of his failure,
he was content, had
all he desired.


lay awkward
bent beneath
bright and bitter

the hue ascribed
is sweet magic
and the hunger
lightens a smile
and we can see
for miles

the river is clean
and the night is
all these transpositions
the embrace that never
the tear upon our earthly

let sleep slip us free
to wing the breeze
where fiery stars
glaze this seperate
where we stray
but never stay



Thanks for the toooooooooooooo
I thought
You would have said
Only loved


Let the night ungown itself,
Let the snows melt away,
Then we shall see who is...
Drenched more you than ye,
You perhaps can forget me
In the hours torn apart
The legs we climb
I remain sublime
Tongue to toe
My mouth does blow

Wow you can say now,
Wow you won't



One night in Fraserburgh, I went out for a few beers
Then I headed down the harbour for a daunder
Slightly tipsy , I was peering at a trawler’s winching gear
When I saw her in the moonlight: One - Eyed Wanda

At nearly 20 stone, I wouldn’t say she was a looker
And she talked about strange things I didn’t know
I thought my charms were working, ’till she said she was a hooker
I thought “women’s rugby - centre of front row?“


Can't you taste the discontent?
all the rules are broken, bent
Congress bailed the bankers out
guess we know who has the clout

I'll tell you it's not me or you
but the connected privy privileged few
the CEO's bearing ruin's onus
fired or jailed? hell no, a bonus!

Rewards for work so badly done
for being someone's favorite son
unconcerned by what is right
I wonder how they sleep at night

That Crazy, Old Doctor

There've been times in my life
where I've just had to say,
"I must, give it all up,
for, it's that kind of day"!

I must, really say this
I really, just must;
if I didn't say it,
then, it wouldn't be, "just".

There's this crazy, old man
we'll just call him, "Doc";
who fills up blank pages
with, "poetical talk".

Teddy Bear

There is an old teddy bear
Beat up, worn down, but still soft and cute
Who always sits in the window.
The gloomy window
The lonely window
Every day people pass by
Not even glancing at the small bear
it seems that is where he will stay,
The gloomy teddy
The lonely teddy
He rests his small paw on it
That cursed transparent barrier
Threaded tear runs down his felt cheek
A saddened bear
A desperate bear
But in the window he stays
Growing thin, ragged until one day


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.