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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Do ghosts of Clovis people walk
in woods beside me as I wander?
Are they with me as I stalk
sharing every hunt, I wonder?

I've found some shards they left behind
both in forests and plowed meadows.
Each time I do it brings to mind
I'm not the first to walk these sylvan shadows

In the low rustle of oak leaves
are those muted whispers that I hear
woven among the gentle breeze?
If so, the soft words are unclear

Bottle Badness

snarl the tin lid
the fluid futility
burning down the throat
like the most sensual
burning fire
moat madness
on the choppy wake
You and your wary eyes
but you still love me
still hold my hands still
as you show me a letter
a book a ship in a bottle
to settle me
before I climb the walls
and sing to tyranny
or weep against a wall
for bitterness swept like
broken promises

cumulative shelter
we collect our thoughts
like watts
our needles dancing


Lays comatose
As she waits
To be saved

Bottle numbs the pain
For a couple

mirror shows
Of a sad face

Words travel
a mind’s
anguish seems

Silence and doubt
Play card games
On the porch

Don’t look away
This torn man
Gave his all
To be
The crumpled page
In your journal


Your affection is not in doubt
I see it written all over your face
Of all the good people, you chose me
What can I say? But to thank you

In return I give the best I could
You led me into your troubled soul
The shaman sets to restore hope
And wiped away your silent tears

Since we met, nothing seems to work
People call you all sorts of names
And query everything you do and say
I see their points, but I gave a blind eye

following the sun
I am all bent out of shape
like patterns of light

refracting light shaped
into two more limbs bending
arcs into circles

drops of sky falling
into water, skipping stones
across the music.

Unholy Scream - Cliches Workshop Poem

An unholy scream punctures the silent landscape
pierces the gun metal grey,
against the cruel winter’s sky.

Darkest before the dawn
as agony abuses the air,
jerking in spasm.

Feathers wrenched from a muscular frame,
a pair of sleek Ravens wings , of vast dimension.
Armageddon’s warning.

Perversion and amorality his clarion call,
Innocence died.
On this ashen night.

Banished from heaven,
discarded upon the sodden earth.
Abandoned since birth.

Cliché (Clichés Workshop Poem)

I've changed
And I can't find my way
Back to the person I used to be

I have fallen out of love with you
What more can I say
I know it's a cliché
But it really isn't you
It's me

I'm lost
And I can't find the path
Back to the life I used to have

My head is confused and I no longer see you
You are just a blurred image lost in the hue
I've drifted away and severed our line
I no longer need you
I no longer want you as mine


I was on my way to school
My father’s friend drove by
Stopped his car, opened the door
And gave me a lift to the school gate
He smiled at me, I beamed back
Encouragingly, gave me a bundle
Money for my pocket and needs

This man is not that handsome to me
His big belly, baggy trousers
And a big bulge on the neck
Makes him resemble Orangutan
From some jungle in a far away land
And married to my mammy’s friend
Ask me, what makes me want it with him

Tentative Dreaming

burn it red like a sunset bled on paler skies

burn it orange like a metaphor, a flame in my pocket

no saving grace of snuff out,
this pyre will burn for ages.

burn it yellow like the eyes of a nocturnal predator

burn it blue like the broken hearts, the tears, the empty years

this ragged intake of oxygen
fuels the fire, higher, higher.

A Middle Class Eulogy

we the people
are not represented
by conservative or liberal
Democratic, tea-Party Republican or Libertarian agenda
it is not American as apple
pie to drive a wedge between
rich and poor, killing the middle class
by the ruling class,

fat wallets anonymous
contribute to campaign strategy
and borderline poverty

American TV is bought and sold
and then there's the devil to pay
as long as corporate greed is
aided and abetted by the dualistic party's
conservative mantra:


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.