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Bottle Badness

snarl the tin lid
the fluid futility
burning down the throat
like the most sensual
burning fire
moat madness
on the choppy wake
You and your wary eyes
but you still love me
still hold my hands still
as you show me a letter
a book a ship in a bottle
to settle me
before I climb the walls
and sing to tyranny
or weep against a wall
for bitterness swept like
broken promises

cumulative shelter
we collect our thoughts
like watts
our needles dancing

there is so much Blue
you say looking to the sky
and all I am thinking
about is the unusual
beauty of your eyes

Editing stage: 


memories run deep

from the gaine
the voltage tingling in that vast empire of thoughts
a wave bend yes thats deep
deep as depths that collect no light
all echo location

author comment

tales here
and D-Land something else
like a different page
im just a scavenger of words
the repository ruin of
shunting flicks from
the wounded wonder
the great daze

author comment

"still, hold my hands still" could even mean a want to be stilled
like a command a pleading essence
Or it coule be that the subject has not abandoned the writer
entirely there is still a connection still theres that word
Photographic movement A "Still"

however it would flow without that stutter but I like the duality
of it just wordplay at the sake of the actual Poem Thank You
for you critique Yenti and your help

author comment

I know I copied this sparce style from someone
would be nice to be able to fill up paragraphs
in long extensions but I prefer the skimpiest of
word groupings Maybe It makes the mind work
harder to thread images Or loses many
but I love to see when those with the ability to
decipher meaning like tracking mammals
can pick out the trail

Bravo my freind!

author comment
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