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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I remember dancing in the moonlight
and a young girl who fit my arms just right.
Hair tumbling like a long brown waterfall
as we swirled 'round the room at the spring ball.

My eyes were fixed on no one else but you
the prettiest woman within my view.
Neither of our feet felt like they touched the floor,
a hint of what would so soon be in store.

I can not say which songs played on that night
but I recall, still, holding you so tight
and how I got lost in your laughing eyes.
Love caught me, unexpected, by suprise.

Solitary thought

In solitude I wonder
crippled by man,
I sit stare and ponder.
Is the moon hidden this night,
or is it ashamed of what it bears witness to.
The man in the moon who can see right through.

In solitude I stare,
witness to the explosions of war.
This night I pray you moon,
see the ants and the burdens inside,
not the explosions that leave the dead on the outside.
Moon do not go blind,
in solitude we still look for the angel to help us find.

Strange Mobility

My eyes follow
a candy wrapper tumbling
up the street
right down the middle
of the double yellow center line.
I think I hear the street laughing along the
sidewalk, the red clover leaning into the sun
with green elbows, listening intently.

Two Simple Truths

I'm known to try my level best
to be a man of focus, always ready;

tried to rest, heal and conserve
when my posture weren't so steady.

I chose a gate that suited me
with a pace I could endure;

Changing terrains and shifting grades
gave my giddy up, it's signature.

No hidden agenda in my hand
I've respect for the boundaries made;

only now, I'm coerced into viewing them
as they wither, and then seem to fate.

So, now I'm at the dawning
of my mid-day yawn surprise;

Camp Breakfast

Pine smoke
mixed with bacon
sizzling in the cast iron,
frying eggs popping in the grease…
camp fire.


the war would be not worth it at all
if an ovum were to be displayed
as you say,
millions of sperms in array
all will go astray...
oh what a waste
a million times won’t help
an isolated sperm ,
the invisible one,
to in one ultimately dwell

so why the hell
display an ovum isolated
take the 1000 out
and in a row lay
then many varieties of sperms may,
fight to live another day...


I pour a cup of hot coffee
not my favorite beverage
But like the warmth it brings
I sit and consider life

I never come to any conclusions of merit
and the coffee always turns cold
no longer able to give me comfort
Is it possible that this could cause depression?

Depression stops the creative flow, you know
I am full of creative ideas
I just don't know how to find the things

Like Walter Mitty, I can do wonderful
feats in my mind
Poetry,prose of rambling
I cannot tell, I have lost


I walk a floor that's there no more
above listing cracked foundation stones,
just me and memories of before
the ground received my weary bones
beneath that giant white oak tree.

All the fields I used to plow
turned fallow then grew up in weeds.
They're filled with mature pine trees now
to supply some sawmill's needs.
Dark forest far as I can see.

Chariot of Chrome and Vinyl Blue


I ride my chariot of chrome
and vinyl blue
wheels squeaking
as I pass through this world
of one
no longer made for two.

I sometimes hear a voice
whisper “I love you”
from somewhere
and feel the breath of a kiss
caress my lips or touch my hair.
I still smell the sun and rain
of hot Summer days.

Phantom pain all this
they say…

I ride my chariot of chrome
and vinyl blue
wheels squeaking as
I pass through ....

A Nurse's Privilege

I sit with him. He has no family
No-one should ever die alone
I hold his hand to comfort me
He searches for direction Home

Both wife and children left before him
He stayed for years with loved ones gone
and felt the bars of life's hard prison
in what to him felt like an aeon

I met him in his winter years
He was a kindly, spritely soul
We talked for hours, mixed laughter, tears
became fast friends, as if of old


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.