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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Peace, be still!

My speech is slow, my tongue is hushed
I cannot bear nor utter much
The song within my heart withdrawn
awaits the breaking of the dawn
A new day forges into view
my hopes and fears reborn anew,
to face a day of circumstance
and find a way to sing and dance
Amidst the awkward jeering crowds
my heart cries out, tis all too loud!
My feet, they falter in the rain
which falls upon my heart again,
but in the quiet moment kneel
A still small voice is felt, be still!

Omnipresent grief and horror
abounds toward ceaseless killing fields
impossible mission for me
to summon forth fading magic powers
since Delilah imposter hashtagged,
(and subsequently outed)
as a mortal (know your) enemy, -
nevertheless became the love of my life -
(sent by complicit
Philistine officials to entice me)

The Gift

He gave her a gift on their final day,
She looked at it briefly and threw it away.
“I don’t really need reminders of you,”
And that’s when he knew their ‘story’ was through.

It pierced like a sword through a wounded heart,
A passionate love had fallen part.
But It is what it is and it was what it was,
Time heals all, as it usually does.

She boarded her flight with no hesitation,
And headed off to a new destination.
He’s not a victim, he tried to be cool,
He thought he was smart, now he feels like a fool.


A falling star settled on my rose,
a diamond dipped in velvet clothes.
I dared not touch the pure gift
sent from heaven, so swift,
but let it rest there
in such sweet air
and comply
to my

The man, the woman, and the dog

I sigh and close the door
Lean on it and close my eyes for a bit
I should have left this place years ago
But I've never had the heart

Everything is still the same
After all these years
Maybe this is what's wrong
What's got me closed in a loop

The borrowed land

He could not resist, the boat was so close. It was an inevitable.
Closing his eyes, he looked at his old house, and imagined,
The freedom.

Racing through the reeks and catching mices, in the lake.
Black land. His Old home, his slavery.
Was, bout a past.

The in-not-so-late but a dream.
A nightmare.

Hen pecked!

Cock-a-doodle doo!
Rooster cried out
as tarantula crept
across the barren yard
the hens were assembled
who then dismembered
the spider, leg by leg
till its body was gone
they then reassembled
and scurried off unhindered
to devour another victim
at the crack of dawn!

I live in a world of brutal ice and cold

Despite the temperature being five below...
these fingered handy limbs
awash with profuse sweat
dripping palms analogous
to a bloody busted gushing water main.

Mein kampf analogous
to a self made prisoner
who cannot escape being terrorized
and tortured within invisible
hermetically sealed walls of air tight prison
regularly hunted down
courtesy malevolent daemons
blood curdling deathly silent screams
echo within the sound of silence.

All you know

You know I have a crush on you,
Yet that's just a fraction of what's true.
You don’t know I’m deeply in love with you,
Writing silly poems, all just for you.
You don't know that
My heart races whenever you're close,
Your voice, even in math,
is the sweetest prose.
You don't know that
My knees buckle at your smile, your laugh,
In those moments
I feel nothing but happiness
But after all you don't know anything
Im just a silly girl
Who has a crush on you

Life Jackets

Every morning, when both our dogs wrestle
to jump in my lap to say hello. When you smile at me
with forgiveness for not noticing your hair,
which you just had done. Calling me out of the blue,
asking me if I wanted something from the smoothie place.

All of these things keep our home tethered to the surrounding shore,
so that it’s not washed away in a maelstrom of complacency.
I consider these gifts all the time, and they rescue me every day.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.