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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Passed By

She is the most glorious thing
I have ever seen.
How can I describe
the most wondrous of things?
Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
I follow her blindly – everywhere,
when we are anywhere.

Never Alone

Chased by the odds,
That make mortals
Out of the gods.

Faith sips her coffee,
Tells panic to take
Its dirty paws off me,

Or be ready for what’s next.
She might be silent as her
Muscles start to flex,

Her words become generals,
Turning fear’s lies
Into little league tee balls,

Stripping away its power
Until it’s broken,
Even for an hour.

When will I get it?
My resolve never wavers,
It has endless credit.

Last Ride

Back the trunk up, open wide
slide the body deep inside.
Box of pine, nowhere to hide.
Take one last breath, its your final ride.

Pulling over, take it all in stride.
Maybe you shouldn't have lied.
Then again it wasn't your soul that died.
Stop squirming and enjoy the final ride!

Falling match, one for every tear I cried
Oh, looks the Great Pretender is french fried
Into the water below, the box will glide,
Hope you enjoyed your final ride

Mistress in the closet

A teaser she is
moves her luscious lips
softly as she speaks in
a seductive tongue
a gentle tender touch
running down to the skin
sending a lust of desire

My Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel
Serving me with God’s consent
Whispering safe paths

Paths diverged

Why did you leave without a trace,
Leaving behind an empty space?
We used to laugh and dream so wild,
Now memories fade like a whisper exiled

I felt it best to find my way,
To chase the sun, not here to stay.
Our bond was strong,
but times have changed,
I needed different paths arranged.

But was it worth the bond we tore,
For petty slights and so much more?
I miss the days of endless talks,
Now lost in silence, like evening walks.

Full of nothing

Full of nothing,
my empty little head.

Writing a poem
that was best left unsaid.

Driving my mind
in the middle of night,

Slewn by an obsession
to set things aright.

Frivolous pursuits,
by the sheen of lamplight.

Attempting to reason,
with little foresight.

I’ll get on my knees,
to prepare a shallow grave.

Nothing is here
that I want to save!

When the sun comes up,
what I have done?

Not very much,
my mind on the run!

Butterfly Missives

As we remained on a flight from Kansas City
Destined for St. Louis
A group of students quietly came aboard
At first there was nothing amiss
Soon I realized they were deaf
No words but an occasional off-key chortle

What came next were hands floating
Butterfly messages softly, fluidly
At the speed of light
Hands and fingers fluttered
Like Monarchs migrating to
Their appointed destination


I see you there glowing,

like an angel in a darkened sky,

gentle as I ever seen.

I bow my head before your eyes.

But alas, you are sleeping,

And your eyes are closed.

It’s just a figment of my imagination,

you were there you really were.

I see no sense in what you are.

To me you are the most wonderful creature,

and maybe you truly are an angel,

My Mama

You are that beautiful flower,
I'll never get to smell again.

Black,strong and proud

Not everyone's favourite

And you liked it like that

You liked having only a small number,
Understand your impact.

I got it.

But,I also got hooked

On your essence

And your Aura
And now,that you are gone

All I do is cry.
All I do is look at photos of you, and
Try remember your scent.

It haunts me.


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