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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Eat my words

a wrongful truth of warm citrus and lumpy water
watching my mouth move in curls and downturns
a discolored sock of clay and a screaming blossom tree
watching my wrinkles in a whirlpool licking the tide of my eyebrows
an ink splotch on a white flock and a rotten slice of apricot
watching my stranger eyes staring back into me a rising blue tornado of delirium
a smell of vomit bleaching flesh and a hasty bee prick
watching my face melt from the ceiling and playing with the noose
an imposing stench and the scent of decaying beauty


How often I have wondered
Am I the only foolish poet here

I read so many younger ones
often realize they are hiding theirs
but who cares
they too are aware
no one really cares
of what they do or don't wear
just enjoy theirs

don't ask me
reading em all has forced me
to feel
I'm the only poet born
make it not naive
admit it so foolish

I really is

A silent seed

A subtly
silent seed
begins to bleed
out it’s
numbing need .
To passionately
plunge through
the persistent
pounding palms
of pressure
and proceed
to succeed .
Gradually growing
into the grimy
grasps of greed.


Dysfunctional dad gone by the age of 5,
No arguments ,
Just silence.
Mourning your absence , craving attention
Just from the age of 5.
I beg for you back but she just says no.
The reminder of you stays in this home

She found someone new,
Smiling again.
Yet something ain't right ,
I am not her friend…

I am lazy , scruffy and a disappointment in itself,
Haven't heard these words since before you left.
I remind her of you .
In my eyes , in my heart.
I am back at the start.

Within the Eye

Mindless obedience, the cycle
Holding temporary words so dear
One would die at the chance to encounter
Yet, so insignificant for the protruding figure

Standards of the self, thrown through
Since found our loves and shrines of joy
No need or soul that’s left to prove
Escape from their conniving ploy

Together we’ll break from society bounds
Recalling moments they’d hide and cave
Show our strength out from the crowds
To mould this new-found sense of safe

Fantine (A Les Miserables poem.)

Ladies line the French harbor as night sets in,
Stokers purge the streets for the one,
Snatched and shoved and used,
Selling most everything for her little youth.
Fantine fears her fate,
Ten francs hit the table,
The men take her pride,
One man spares her soul,
She lay in bed at hospice,
Missing her young daughter,
She said her final goodbye.


The light of your love shines within me,
my heart now swims in your brook,
the joy of my mind is now elevated,
now i'm relying in the arms of your love.

Day by day my soul sings a melody,
a rhythm of love that is unrelenting,
you know well you're my new crush,
and i'm ever ready to take you as mine.

For a real love never hides it self,
each moment it displays a feeling,
a feeling of romantic love and emotion,
you're now my dream, my dream reality.

Spirals Entangled

Whose attraction is such
May i orbit you forever
Entangled in a spiral dance
Envied by the earth and moon
Gravity can but observe in dismay
Even her pull can not pull me away


Need to take a sabbatical
let oldies take a back seat
now the newer generation
after the swans have flown
take over the scene

Sun does set over all human fields
glory be now shared amongst newer breeds
let's them now feel
grass is still green
ere NIAGARA snows
prepare a white shield
relax if you need

Stop romanticising immortality, dear butterfly

Life eternally surrounds him,
Shifting through time
Dancing around his scythe
Like a butterfly in the wind
Blissfully unaware
Of its imminent death
Flirtation with Grim Reaper
Being the one true thing
Keeping her heart beating
Toying and teasing
He watches her grow old
Imortalising her youth
But at what cost?
For a romance with the grim reaper
Has never been known
To be one of stability
Or compassion.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.