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Books on the shelf, next to them the other books.

I am sitting by the table, playing with a compass.

Jacob, why do you have not a desire, to go downstairs, sit around the table, with us?
My mother asked.

Jacob did not answer.

I am playing with a, turning, compass, do not think about my mother’s words
Even though life is so short.

Red crops

Red crops

Before I was born in the vast material ... ..
without touch

In the dark
grew up
the crowd, listing in
sacrifice the roar
Travelled emaciated
from hunger and
solid walls
to marble my wings
shivers in horror

Silently bodies around me
drift, slide
inappropriately to unequal
balances in limbo

The Dead Know Nothing

The dead know nothing, no nothing at all

The living have memories they can recall

The dead do not cry tears, nor do they smile

The living will only be here for a little while

The dead will be missed but will not miss

The living live their life in ignorant bliss

The dead know nothing of blind hate

The living live hate in a natural state

The dead will rest in peace; rest forever more

The living will go on in pain as they did before


Your heart is full of goodness and love.
I haven't seen such an elegant soul just like you.
Truly, in my heart, you've broaden my affection.
I'll forever keep loving you, day and night.

My body is ignited, I'm now full of fire,
The fire of love won't let me sleep, oh my love.
Ever since you sent this precious flower,
My thoughts are all about you - everyday.


I choose light
Though I’ll walk through darkness to attain it

I choose hope
For it carries the tired and wearisome heart

I choose love
Because all else is displaced energy


Long wait
simply demonstrates
the wait was long enough

but essential

Since time and tide
stood for no one
why shouldn't you
I wonder

let me know...



Is it another power cut
Or just a fuse that’s blown
Even the end of the world
Can it really be all over
When the lights go out

Perhaps it’s saving energy
Green is now the thing
Sunlight is still free to all
But dark can be welcome
When the lights go out

It can deepen the mystery
Imagination is left to rule
Discover what is hidden
With all the other senses
When the lights go out

The View

On my visit
to the Grand Canyon,
it struck me that many people
spent very little time
actually pondering the view.

Yet, there is so much
to see,
to feel.
To need.

It is like transcendent poetry
chiseled onto the side of each rocky point,
words in vibrant meditation
written within each color
of every canyon wall.

I had to ask why they leave so soon,
how they could turn their eyes away
so casually from such a sacred experience.


It is in the morning stillness
Before the first light brushes the clouds
During the night song’s final reprise
I find myself and find myself again
Immersed in a crepuscular chorus
Permeating the depths of my soul
With endless manifestations of love

I, I , I , I will never know, who I am.






Do I exist ?


   Love catches the fishes on fire.

                Water catches their ideas.


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