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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Bower made from boughs and sage
Lies nestled on the deck
You rest upon the bower
A chain of silver skirts your neck

Wrapped in finest linen and
Encased in magic wards
Protections for your journey
From arrows and cruel tempered swords

Foregone on your funeral boat
A ship we all must take
Across the darkest sea of all
Beyond the black and mortal lake

Sail into the funeral pyre
Pass then into dark
Reflections of your life appear
Beautiful and brightly stark

Her Secret

She has a secret that she can never tell

About how once in love, she had fell

She thinks her friends would not understand

If her friends ever saw them holding hands

She keeps it inside though it is eating her so

She knows her true love she can never show

So she cries in bed alone, dreaming every night

From her parents keeps her tears out of sight

She washes her face as she buries her pain

It burns her heart like an ever-internal flame

Finally, the pain inside she had to get rid of

Up On The Rooftop (December Random Challenge)

Up on the roof, before the door
I once stood still to hear a roar
I wasn't sure, I had no proof
Before the door, up on the roof

I used a stool to see behind
I peeked in vain, I tried to find
I feared to find a fearsome ghoul
To see inside, I used a stool

But now it's clear, I'm quite sure
The deceiving sound-just a lure
The wind blew in, and then shall veer
I'm quite sure, it comes now clear.

Dew Drop

like a teardrop
falling from its eyes
Display through the
tiny crystal silver drops
Lingering on the exquisite
soft petal rose
Quenching the green thirst flourish leaf
Through the early misty morning rise
Waiting for the gentleness caressing
To dissolve from its cleaning touch
Ease away the misery bitterness frost cold
With a warmth nurturing quest embrace
To bring joy and delight to the new day

Another Friend Bails Out


At our age
daily one needs to be ready
to go
else hear the sad news
one just goes
where heaven knows

May those who have lived a long life
convey to all
as and when

Somewhere beyond beyond
many hope to meet
God keep Hope alive
in one and all
as and when
'tis time

A Light In The Darkness (She was a contender)

A Light In The Darkness
(She Was A Contender)

Thoughts as Twilight Falls

These futile words what can they mean?
Any fool can hope and dream,
Put pen to paper, easy to do.
But it takes a man to see dreams through.

Am I a Man?
I sometimes wish I could be more than shape and form,
What should I fear as darkness falls?
Soon night must come, and then,
No more.

Not true, I shall be all I loved,
In them I live as memories,
As my bones in the grave decay as rust,
So I live on though my flesh be dust.

In A Stranger Mind

Off on sorts, I do not come by
Here so often anymore

As the sky is murk and filth
And the water taste of tension
I stop and watch my reflection
in its own way growing stranger

Off on sorts, I do not come by
Where the Tui bird plays
As I fear - my fear
To linger here
Yet, she sneaks another day

Off on sorts, I lost my way
I often catch the shaking stray
To feed and feed
Bones for coffin meat
Till I can no longer stay

An Empty Glass

silence weaves its blanket 'round me
unlike the tapestry that dreams paint
where hope brings sun rising brightly
but reality is my twilight growing faint

water is leaking through a metal roof
onto the floor where memories sleep
transfixed I watch time washed away
counting vanished scenes like sheep

you still laugh from my phone screen
your ghost pirouettes in a mirror land
flashing disowned fireflies
the screen blurs..into hourglass sand

The Ballad Of The Pasta Dish

Around the hour of three or four
on a Sunday afternoon
I scampered through the kitchen door
grabbed the ice cream and a spoon

kicked up my feet to sit a spell
turned on the football game
booed and hissed a cursive yell
as the home crowd did the same

the ball was fumbled then recovered
by the bulky brute linebacker
who grabbed the ball and tightly hovered
like a mad cowhide-attacker


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.