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My Spider Queen

The Spider weaves her silken web
In Palace gold
Or Garden Shed.
A thing of beauty to entice,
Trap a victim, man or mice.

And you my love, my spider fair
With arms so slim
And nails so bare
Are like the spider as you wait
To wrap a soul, to seal his fate.

To sink your fangs deep in his flesh
As he lies, helpless, in your mesh.
Life from his very soul you suck
Then cast him off, an empty husk.


Time has been tethered
in the cave of despair
life rides in the vehicle
of uncertainty and penury
but this time a sunrise
shall smile aloud sincerely

©© Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu


I dare to disagree
yes life goes in circles
each circle starts with a beginning
then it comes back to the same point

Being a scientist
I must add on
circles are round
the sun being static
other planets going around
anti cycle

All wonder how and why
Well a simple answer
folks don't understand
all existence is magnetic
without it we would never ever exist
be it human animal or planet

Under the Mistletoe

I came to you
on Christmas day
to express my love for you
for the joy that you brought
into my life
filled with a sense of warmth
to see the radiant smile
on your face
with the question
that I popped to you
down on my knee
in asking you
to be my lovely wife
my heart was hoping
for the answer to "Yes"!
in witnessing our lips
pressed gently against
each other
in celebrating this special occasion
with a truly blessing gift
on a holiday season

Solstice Inside

Attached to chilly winter air
My deepening, dark, and dread despair
Sets upon me sure and slow
Casts questions over all I know

Work is slow, it’s warm inside
Retreat into myself, I hide
I’ve my paintbrush and my pen
Sustain me until spring again

The chambers of self love will wane
The heart will argue with the brain
Never listen, it’s just noise
Steal your peace and rob your joys

27th Letter

even in my fantasies
I can't properly fill the seat next to me
the universe hums a monadic melody
and in its chorus
I am endlessly plummeting
forever diminished
in my distance from us
I long for the woman
whose face I forget every day
and the friend I meet again
when sleep undoes my amnesia
branches in the sky
breathe and bring me back to us
cruel or kind
breathe and bring me back
to the blood in the cut
god above
ripped from the rafters
awake again

After The Storm

silent cotton clouds...coated in mud
drifting..upon the brooding grey sky
words rained down like solid stones
twilight window...bringing me a sigh

fire loses soft it burns low
shadows on the wall..stay the same
quiet music drives sad ghosts away
dispelling its melody came


memory calls..with unwanted sights
like gifts from people I cannot return
silvery coins..tossed in my dixie cup
one for each wish
a dreamer


The glass pieces at my feet begin to move
they float, ever so gently into the air
my skin,
begins, to crack and fracture
the glass shards, seep into me
And for what reason?
creeping, into my bones, striking unpleasant poses
but for what reason?
I sleep upon a bed of glass
in a field of headless roses.

It was there at the office party
Lord, she was a dream
Dressed to the nines, a beauty
She was coffee, I was the cream

Right underneath the mistletoe
just as supposed to be
I saw her there and thought
she was waiting there for me

Too late, here comes Harry
the braggart and a bore
He's had his share of kisses
here he comes for just one more

I wandered off to fetch a drink
I couldn't look at them
He held his lips on hers too long
I shivered, drank and then...


''''A Week Long Love...2016 Epicurial
TEN POEMS OF 2016...'''

As I trudge along the walking path of time
I lose all friends of mine so never mind
you will also one day some day
will also be lost not to be found

friends are a class breed like human seed
of which only one counts over millions
all others are like free coupons
lodge them in the tins of garbage
let loose such useless baggage
they have lost you on all counts


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.