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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Quite a few poets here
are those
whose mommy tongue
is not ENGLISH

Yet they feel they deserve

I have conducted 245 Contests
I do push in a rectification
advisory comment
many can't it cement
So none the less ....

a e i o and u
are five vowels
use 'a ' before another word
starting with a vowel
an apple
an angel
an elephant
an indiscretion
an orange
an upcoming event

Portrait Of RoseBlack (by: eddy styx)

Her eyes, mouth and stance
smolder, smiling suggestion
one slow minute holds a glance.
Adds many a wondering question,
what causes her eyes to be so bright
so full of hard won knowledge?
In their depth you could lose
your sanity for the raw pain held
in her wilderlands. Yet there
is a deeper homespun wisdom
at her core as she glows with
a base of swirling loves regret.
Pretty face belies the fighter,
who was born of hard knocks
and betrayal. Her inner strength has
changed her into the warrior

Wind Chimes of Winter

Branches bare shift in the wind
Tickle each other in icy caress
Clothe themselves in crystal dreams
January’s opera dress

Music of their clang and chime
Broadcast loud and clear to all
Conducted by four wailing gales
These wind chimes of the winter call

The Brightest Star

The Brightest Star

With Christmas comes a mass of joys
in forms of packages and toys.

But beneath the thrill of homemade cakes
lies the joy that families make.

Each holding on for a short while
the love contained in a simple smile.

Above all and best by far
is the glow made by each new star.

The brightest being not up high
but usually right before our eye.

The Thread

I am barely hanging on by a thread

If I let go, I will surely end up dead

Our love was just a fantasy in bloom

A fairy tale love that ended too soon

Everything you said was just lies

Like all of the tears that you cried

The thread it is getting pretty bare

Cannot keep hanging in cold air

Guess I will open up my hand

Bury me under my piece of land

My memory in your head will fade

Like my body, it will slowly decay


Thoughts rain down,
To my ears, not a sound,
Some lingering,
Some barely ringing,

Nothing around matters,
A spark and the glass shatters,
A wall that occluded,
Imagined danger eluded,

A barrier no more,
An open door,
To a world so free,
Only needed is a key,

To put away one that glows,
Rise you will, from the lowest of lows.


So the world piled on the stones
As it is always apt to do
I built a fortress ‘round this heart
Inside the darkness grew

So solitarily confined
Despite your close proximity
Drawbridge raised, prepared for siege
You hadn’t tried to lay on me

Castle crumbled from within
Repurposed stones now used to pave
A road for you to find my heart
This well of love I have

Fairy Tales

Only in fairy tales are we able to see
all of the characters we are able to be.

Some days the pauper, some days the queen
others, the princess, sometimes the king.

But when we are nasty and ever so mean
the role of the troll can often be seen.

Whatever our mood, whatever our need
there is always an appropriate story to read.

Without tiny stories and beautiful dreams
we have no way to muffle life’s screams.

The beauty of fairy tales should never be lost
there is no possible way to repay the cost.

The Knig of Kalloo

I niggled the nog of a Niggley-Noo
Who didn’t know quite what to do
So he niggled his nog and said “Who are you?”
I replied, “I’m the King of Kalloo.”

I pummelled the pouch of a Punchy-Palloo,
An action for me that was new
He spluttered the words, “Can it really be true?”
“Are you really the King of Kalloo?”

I wiggled the wag of a Wiggleye-Woo
To my joy, he did wiggle it too
As he giggled the words “Can it really be you?”
“My old friend the King of Kallo?”

Ballad For The Loveless

I’ll pen my words soft
As she stands in the shadows,
Her presence inspires and sets my soul free,
I’ll sing to the Sunlight,
I’ll sing to the moonbeam,
I’ll sing my song glad for a love that should be.

I sense her each night
As she stands in the shadows.
How near yet how far can a love ever be?
So I’ll sing to the rain
And I’ll sing to the rainbow
And sing for the day my love comes close to me.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.