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Writer's Block Near Midnight

Eleven fifty-two
and my brain
stared at the sleepy
white space

while the blinking
cursor on the screen
tormented me

as if to say,


How They Remember You

Our lives won't don't last forever
Sooner or later they will all end
And when that time does come
Will they say you broke or tried to bend?

Did you give up or give life everything you had?
Friend, you'll leave a legacy no matter what you do
Your life is your strongest message, make sure it's inspiring
In the end, it's not if, it's how they remember you

Sitting With Anger

I sat with my anger
Long enough to listen
For what I was feeling
Wasn't really anger at all

She introduced herself
As loneliness
Abandonment and grief
Emotions I buried deep

Triggered by false hope
Knowing he was way too kind
Realizing I am the same foolish girl
Who leads with love blind eyes

I told her I was tired
Told her I needed it to end
Anger smiled and nodded
Then put the razor in my hand

In My Element

Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Magnesium
And the most treasured: gold, the best element
I am in my element, with no resentments
The golden years, like autumn leaves
And the autumn tree’s they're from
Earth, wind, water and fire
The elements are comprised of elements
Earth is comprised of sediment
Water goes round in a cycle
Wind goes around, Earth that spins around
Fire is emotion: a passion which abounds
I breeze through life, when I look at the water
With a fire, in my soul

Devil Beneath the Dust

Some people live and some people lie
There's those who may choose to live in their lies
Disguising their cruelties in mounds of fake gold
The demons they leave to those fooled - left untold
The life that they lead, shrouds so devilishly dim
Intruding the mind of the gale through the wind
Their claws - sunken deep - the ripping and tear
But when you look up, there's only dust in the air


If you could borrow my mind
for a time
You’d be perfectly in tune
with a practiced monsoon
Always in time
Collecting all the clocks
Spotting marks
as an afterthought
Confident in the man
that tricked the system back
Kicking the devil
out of all the best details
Terrified of treason
Suspicious and lonely
Only partly praying
to escape the pain
in the flood that follows
Never needing to bleed
all that much
Knowing that poetry
is anarchy of the first order


How many identities filled up the wall before you now?
As many as there were faces
Leeching on to a fragment of your existence
And demanding you as their representative in the 3D world

They peered, and yet avoided eye contact
The velvet of their skin looked coarse and scribbled over
As their wrinkles flaunted their age-old legacy
That was threading your life together now


In the parade of time
the birth-pangs of civilization
a red card to humanity

The Fates

Devine feminine Triune
Triple goddess of the moon
Waxing, waning through her phases
Cycling through all life’s stages

The Graces, Seasons and the Fates
All things living, small or great
Swayed by Maiden, Mother, Crone
Before this thread of life is gone

Maiden spins life in her yarn
Crescent moon will wax and grow
New life and rebirth are she
Until she fully glows

The Mother is both yours and mine
Dominion is both life and love
Measuring the lengths of twine
She’s full now up above



Some may have perused the periodic table
Select an element that most reflects them
Whether a noble gas or a rare earth metal
Once chosen, all then are left in fine fettle
Is diamond hard carbon or a valuable gem
Determine atomic structures, as one is able

So many elements that are crucial for life
Whether breathable oxygen or vitamin D
Carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus
We have to decide which will do for us
But in blood there is iron, its symbol Fe
Once made into steel, it forges a knife


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.