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Some may have perused the periodic table
Select an element that most reflects them
Whether a noble gas or a rare earth metal
Once chosen, all then are left in fine fettle
Is diamond hard carbon or a valuable gem
Determine atomic structures, as one is able

So many elements that are crucial for life
Whether breathable oxygen or vitamin D
Carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus
We have to decide which will do for us
But in blood there is iron, its symbol Fe
Once made into steel, it forges a knife

Some elements have radioactive isotopes
Bursting with alpha beta or gamma rays
Always ensure one can measure the dose
Provided that one safely keeps very close
Some do associate it with the end of days
When the rest of humanity is on the ropes

Select an element, whether heavy or light
And let school science finally play its part
Gas liquid or solid form, perhaps all three
Who ever thought you’d revisit chemistry
Using the left brain rather than the heart
But once selected, it will turn out alright

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Not what I expected. A bit literal. I’m always intrigued by that rhyming pattern you use. I should give it a try. We probably all should. Anyway this is really original and the title is great. Nice job.


A unique approach. Well written and factual. Good job


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