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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


OCH! (for Obi)

I cannae believe it
Just look at THAT!
There's blood in the cludgie
Where I just shat.

Och! boggin hell!
What stench! I swoon
I ken I'm fell
n' dyin' soon

It stappit me rump
It maimed me hole
That bloody clump
Half-filled the bowl

Good-bye cruel world!
I bet you'll laugh
When these pipes skirl
My epitaph!

My New Year's Resolution

To make 2023 a spectacular
New fresh start off

I fulfill my heart
with a sense of gratitude

That life teaches me
the meaning of giving

to live and strive for
the best that it can be

to learn and grow
receive the wisdom

look beyond the past
with valuable lessons

Embrace the present
with cherish moments

Spread the seed of love
and kindness to others

Count every second is a blessing
to ALL

The Usual Things

As blinds are
pulled up each morning,
and tea warms the waiting mug,
as meditations are silently spread,
like seedlings,
over endless possibilities,
I wonder how you are
and what will happen to you
on this new day,
this gift that covers all of us
from light to new light
as we hold on to our brimming mugs,
grateful for the usual things.

Neopoet Challenge: In My Element

Cusp born Aquarian/Pisces Air and Water
a crazy mix, but a Gemini married me.
Air for Air we mesh, but Pisces goes alone
into my moody reverie in loving poetry.

Gemini, the thinker and the child,
when at rest his nose is in a book.
when he toils, his mind is put to task
at cosmic problems he will always take a look.

he affords me my space to create
with my moon in Cancer, the adolescent I feel
Aquarius, Idealism, I know, Pisces, I believe,
when I consider it all, it's not a bad deal.

Second Date

At the annual run in The City,
tortillas were pelting everyone, an eccentric tradition
Your Batgirl costume was unexpected

At the end of the course
bands were setting up on stage
With so many people around us,
our disguises were elsewhere
by then, no longer needed


I have been here many times
With you and without
But always remembering that places
Mean little except to bridge memories
Of the past with those of the

Your presence lingers in the
Sights and sounds of what
Is today and what was



When forced into harsh compliance
What soon emerges is sheer defiance
Upon which stance I have no reliance
I value freedom, it’s my way or none
With no other option under the sun
Yet some rules do offer a certain value

It is mainly about who knows better
If orders are just followed to the letter
Those succumbing couldn’t be wetter
When taking no personal responsibility
Often hiding their sheer lack of ability
Tell me, do any rules offer any value

Feeling Like Johnny Cash

I must be feeling like Johnny Cash
cause I might hurt myself today

End all my pain and suffering
end it all today

But in my heart I feel like
I am way too young to die

So I'll just turn on that sad
sad song and hurt down deep inside

The little bird named Blessing

If I was to invite the crows outside my window into my house
They would come in clusters and with a deluded, greedy mind
I cannot be sure whether their eyes are black or grey

If they were to have white feathers
I would chase them out of my garden for good
For rooted
Inside them or I there is a form of sin

If a sparrow was to stay the night
I would care for it until tomorrow
With a sorrowful
Expression I would then wish it on its way for I know I may not claim it selfishly

Traffic in a Light Rain

Visibility obscured
Windshield collects droplets
Cares, like facets on rubies
paint this pointillist indifference
A galaxy of crimson stars
Mundane beauty
Intermittently wiped away


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.