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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Face in the Mirror

As you stare at your reflection
There's so many things you despise
Your weight, or face, or your hair
But your self image is just a lie

Don't compare yourself to others
Their identity is already taken
Embrace all your issues and flaws
Even when your world seems shaken

Don't you see you're a masterpiece
And if this makes it come in clearer
If you want others to love who you are
First you've got to love The Face in the Mirror

Nights Are For Lovers

Love poetry skips me
now I see
but your poems
and that guy's doing it tonight
gives me an inspiration
about all bridal like nights

no beloved at night
no life
it's ones' birth right
to fall in love at first sight
smiles in the middle of the darkest night
yeah in the mid of any whispering night

for there's no orgasmic life
without a lovely pulsating night
surely lovers must be bright
ain't I absolutely right
how about tonight

Gods and Geeks

There's this limited generation
of owl killers,
ready to kiss and tell.
The last gods and geeks thrash
off into the wild blue
yonder. Sacrifice everything to join
merchants of death.

At Things Move On (-& On)...

-But we wonder about the world, out there...,
-Beyond our families and friends…
-The steps, or crises, seen elsewhere…,
-Some to applaud, some seeming without end...(!).

-We hope we can still achieve stuff…
-With less threat from disease, or war…
-But, as we’re older-living, increasingly…
-Will our successes prove our flaws…? (!).

Our Ballet

There is a torch I carry for you
Crafted from care and firm resolve
Bound by the tethers of our heartstrings
A dancing flame so inextinguishable
Eternity becomes furious with envy
As it watches our seductive ballet


Flowers and weeds are really
The same

Except we carefully cultivate
The weeds we want

And give them a very
Special name

Bloody Matters Of The Heart

False hope
Your mistake
You were warned
About tempting fate

The three words
Most long to hear
Rolled off your tongue
To my wounded ear

You melted the numbness
Made me feel when I couldn't
Broken promises
You will render no more

Lucky for you
I know just where to look
Foolish boy
Playing hit and run with my heart

Squirming is futile
Your screams are pathetic
Duct tape it is then
Now hold still while I twist it


I do not wish to lie to you
I should not like to cause you any unnecessary surprise
I only shower you with promise unknowingly
Of a thing inconceivable by your largely unyielding spirit
But rather brought to life by our forlorn ghosts dancing in half-painted shadows

Should I enjoy your presence twice? Quite.
Exceedingly so, hence why the wanderings of my mind should be confined to a vacant space with haste
The second to span out a lifetime
Not to lose consciousness before the birth of opportunity and chance

Everything In Life

Is everything in life
real or is reality
nothing but a

Realism is
what we all
want and seek.

What is reality
but a hologram
that doctors have
placed in our heads?

If you go out with
your family are they
really there?
The marriage of a
man and a woman,
the love and support
of a family member,
the unconditional love of
a new born baby.

Music Made Me... pt 2.

Should I stay or should I go?
That was the big question
I was New York haunted
I was pulled in that direction

The one my sister introduced to me
had a reputation as a Maneater
This thing called love snuck up, you see
did I think that I could tame her?

I regained my confidence with
"Do that to me one more time"
I wasn't just Another Brick In The Wall
I was in my prime

Video Killed The Radio Star!
'81 when we wanted our MTV
we were in Dire Straits
with our old, burnt out T.V.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.