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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Vignette Au Gratin...

"Damn, it was a hunnert and fifty out there today
So I stopped into Sam's Place
just to check out who was around, ya know?
Heeey! I only had one... Swear ta God!"

T.V. reporter in the background

Wow! Can you imagine that?
Today, I was intrigued by reports of a radio-signal
from as much as 8.8 billions of light-years away!
And did you hear about that electric-car that...

"Why ya gotta watch that kinda stuff on T.V."?
Ya make me feel like I'm some kinda dummy or somethin'"

Tales Of Ancient Greece : Reflection

Your beauty stuns all who see you,
Your eyes are shy and filled with secrets,
A slight blush in your cheeks,
Tells of a blossoming love in your heart,
New and fragile,

Like flower buds in spring,
Ready to burst forth with color,
Exuding heavenly fragrance,
Enticing the lover,

Things Missing...?

-I write of things that interest me,
-About the 'cards' that I've been 'dealt'.
-But worry that some doing so,
-Show need of psychiatric help...

Your Poetry is My Muse Hope you are Amused

Have you ever noticed
animals behave better than many human

smaller animals
from oceans to seas to land
till all culminated
as a monkey

have you ever noticed
monkeys were
the first one to peel
a banana
then man learned it too
how lovely is the feeling
of peeling

monkeys bestowed to you
have shared 94 percent
of their genes

man is asking
how much longer they will take
to share the balance

Love Story

She never says the words “I'm sorry”
But she reveals their substance
when she takes my open hand
in her way, saying all that is needed

Vermillion Red

Ink on our map won't change. The way I cock my head will. While I look for us amongst the topography. How upside down will you hold my world for me today. What may come from conclusions drawn atop crooked necks.

Spin the wheel with me. Make believe culpability belongs here because choice used to. When the floor gets damp what else might I expect from you? You grow gills when the wind gets wet. You breathe fire in the softest way. You lit a cigarette sunset to make vermillion red.

Paint Me A Picture

Paint me a picture
just any ol' view

Paint me a picture
you can make one or
make two

Paint me the sunset
name what you will
paint me a ride oh
what a thrill

Paint me a heart
for I have none you

Paint me some love
for you and for me.


This is more than just a recital
This is more than just a drill
Watch out, I'm gearing up
I'm a force that you will feel

They say you should follow your heart
Or maybe you should listen to your mind
Friend, I'll be the first to tell you
Your heart  is misleading, your brain is blind

But when you have that burning desire
That fire is your greatest weapon
Your mind and heart say to quit
But it says "Don't stop until you're a legend."


I am drawn to you
Like a fish is drawn to water
But due to what I can't undo
I shall be drawn and quartered

By Your Side

Like a dream she floats
As my arms resist
Her presence hovers
Like an Angel of bliss.

Just longing to inhale
The fragrance of love
And linger close
To a snow white dove.

Her every movement
Glows with soft pink light
Like a magic vision
She transforms the night.

Her eyes sparkle
Like Spanish treasure
Just to be near her
Is my greatest pleasure.

Her voice calls to me
Like whispering bells
In a Garden of golden apples
She dwells.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.