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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Nostalgic Dream IncrediblyTrue

She told me she loved
no no no no -crush
you are very much older
but for you I have some kind of love
about that later
she blushed

Missed her from her teens
so many years later
last night she came in my dream
rested her head on my shoulder
soft and supreme

I brushed her aside and said
'tis too late
now I'm so much more older
she blushed again like last time
silently smiled

my eyes opened wide
there was none beside
perhaps she just implied

Austral Dreamer

From Byron bay to Broome on rolling russet plains
beauty shine’s the Kimberly when the northern territory rains
My heart will always weep when the scent of wattle’s lost
gum trees out of sight my world lays unembossed

Kookaburra laughs as dawn lights us with grace
we really love to giggle even wearing egg on face
our words are sometimes drawled but wait theres a but
when we get excited is when things start heating up


Do something different-
It makes a difference;
Nothing can ever
Be the same.

Some folks just love to give, and I’d love it too,
But I’d really just love to have something to give.
I’d just love to give my heart,
but I haven’t got the heart to give.
I’d give you a piece of my mind, but….
Give it time and in time I’ll give,
but I just haven’t got the time.


a lion must roar
to remember he can
so necessary his anger
to the ends of man
like poetry in league with its pain
i hear god in the walls with the termites
i see grief who forgot why she came
i feel you in moments and forgive myself
when i remember you're not here
so as i sit folding the papers
that one day they'll burn
i plant the parts of you
that moved me most
in the minds of many and
make the smiles of strangers
remind me of you


Gone are the days...
when I nursed you from my breast,
and rocked you to sleep.

The days when you would cry,
Just for me to hold you tight,
And kiss the top of your soft, soft head.

These days, I wave you off
as you get on the bus.
You run and play with your friends
and do math, science, and art.
You don’t need me the way you used to,
but I need you.

The way you call me “Mommy”
and the way you say you love me
still makes my heart melt.

Green Mile Walkin'

I walk this green mile
oh this green mile I

All these things that I
have done
I have done for

My tears are finally
my heart so hard
it grows if you
say you knew
me well now you
surely know.

This green mile I'm
walking is full
of nothing but tears
and broken dreams
and it's getting
longer to me it
truly seems.

A Song to match the magic of Assisi

Spendthrift wild man
drunk with the love of life,
singing for the tone-deaf
who cannot hear your song:

a song of joyful abandon of
the strictures of Church blind
but blessed by your heart
full of mercy and love.

Waken the minstrel in me,
the vagabond, wild and free
that I may live so simply
trusting, in creaturely praise.

Hunters Moon

I walk through the darkened lane tonight,
A cold wind blows from the sea,
Across the river and over the lea.
And the Hunter’s Moon I see.

I hear a dog fox bark to the night,
Hear a vixen afar reply,
Hear the scream of a creature as life is snuffed,
And the Hunter’s Moon climbs high.

Higher she climbs, ever higher
With light like a soft summers eve;
Dimming the stars as she rises
Making my heart to grieve.


The solitary sunlight
has plunged into
the arid desert
now severely
lacks vegetation
This drought time
that has pounced
on this plain
shall be the
last straw
that broke
the camel's

©® Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu

Evermore Inked

You’ve asked me,
"why do you cry ?"
I replied,
"only the sky knows this"

You asked,
"Do you require the blue
of day to fade?"
I replied,
"it began at dawn"

each day
my lead wears down
when fingers are scribbling with a stub
will there be anything left of me to write?
or will the lead have seeped into my veins
and my finger take over
marking the lines
of time


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