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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Cut me in half, and find that
there's nothing there
there never was, behind each glare
I live in this moment.
and in the very next I am dead.
am I alive?
a part of me can feel the wires through out my body instead of veins,
sparks of electricity through out my metal bones
screw off my head, or my hands, all hollow plastic
are they really apart of me at all?
If you looked at my heart,
would it beat knowing it was watched?
as the flesh rots, the consciousness thrives


Nothing is more beautiful
Than the sleeping face of a new born child

Nothing more innocent
Than a silent face that knows no sin

Nothing more pure
Than a mind not yet infected with hostile thoughts

Nothing more thrilling
Than the thought that we all started here

Nothing more fearful
Than the realization of how far away we have moved

" Infectious Annie " Valentine o'mine.

A surreptitious delightful tryst
with my honey-
my sebaceous cyst.

She is my pimple,
My wart,
She is my gumboil consort !

She is the zip,
in which my foreskin - got caught !!


Rewrite the Stars

The future of our world
Lies entirely in our hand
We will create the future
We decide what will stand

Our hearts may be bleeding
But we still have a responsibility
To make the world a better place
For ourselves and others to be

We might not have chosen this
But we are on the battle lines
We have the power to change it
We can rearrange the signs

They will say it is impossible
They say we won't get far
Yet we determine what to do
Together, we can Rewrite the Stars


The abrupt decapitalization
have set hovering dark clouds
Cash flow seems mysterious
but, in reality is just a
case of mathematics
The chief policy makers
have awakened a swarm of bees
thronging on every financial institutions
We're now stranded birds

©® Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu

If I go away from here

Who will ever ask ye
o where is lovedly
gone with the wind
or entered a dark forest
kidnapped by Aussies
taken to the ocean
If needed as and when
for an OCEANIC Cremation

But don't shed he told me
tears naturally
the ocean has plenty

The Moana of Love

I sit here eyes brimming
with the light of the cosmos,
I remember our first kiss
soft as a flannel flower,
I will never stop loving you

Crystalline tears fibril my face
whimpering I crumple inside,
I kept a part of you in me
everywhere you are is here
covertly I yearn for us

Six foot four of funny faces
and here we are streets away,
it may as well be a million miles,
we're confined in our broken oaths

The Day Dad Passed Away 21/05/2012

In my Fathers place I sat
There beneath my Fathers hat
While in hospice He would lie
I believed myself should die

Psychiatry, did seek it out
To find the cause of all my doubt
For all the fear I felt inside
‘Twould lead me into suicide.

While Dad lay he, upon the bed
My thoughts converged on being dead
Each day – each lengthy long held day
Convinced me more of my dismay.

Truth Or Lies?

You ask me for the truth,
Which one is that my love,
The one that breaks your heart,
Or the one that kills mine,

I have veiled you,
From the world of demons and demi-gods,
From the users and abusers,
I was their puppet,
To save you,

They craved the ruination of you,
Howling for your demise,
So I suffered their onslaught,
Of taunts and torture,

While I smiled,
As you placed wild flowers in your hair,
Bathing in the afternoon sun,
Dreaming beyond the clouds,
Of our life together,


Arms bound in cold steel
My heart bleeds black drops silenced
Rise, your time is now


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.