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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A pen's Dilemma

This pen dances on the page
It’s tired of the fear
That kicked me off the stage.

It wants me to stop apologizing.
As it mutters under its breath
When will this fool start realizing?

It paces around the room
Trying to figure out
How does happiness resume

It sees me falling to my knees
Feeling sorry about being me
It whispers shame on the fool that agrees.

It dosen’t know what else to do
Every night it asks god.
Do you think Paul will listen to you?

Wreckage of the Poet...

The poet waited for his praise
with long minutes ticking by
Thoughts of accolades and gold
teardrops in their eyes

There was only criticism
No rich and hearty praises
No one said that's great!
There's no back at you, or cute phrases

Saddened by the response
He was a such a wreck
He was totally disheartened
Put a rope around his neck

He jumped off from the ladder
hands behind his back
There were cheers from in the gallery
"He was just a hack!"

Behind the Mask We Wear

Behind the mask I wear
You are unaware
That I also carry a sword and shield
To defend myself from those who yield

My armor is very sturdy
Built up throughout my lifetime
This protection is my lifeline
Remove it and I’m exposed and vulnerable

As I present myself to you now
My armor has been removed
But only temporarily
It is being upgraded and repaired

My sword sharpened for those who threaten
Smile you
Dont let them see what you’ve been through
But do!


forget me not or
forget me quick
and forget it all
forget the reasons we had
and the misplaced path
whether or not it was
forget my face
and the grace we made
inside you
forget the crescendo
in our climax
always remember
it was surrender
forget the folly
in thinking
there is anything we keep
forget the impact
and ignore the echoes
until only ripples remain
and then
forget my name

Burning Letters

Gazing on you
As you cocoon your thoughts
On Baudelaire
And your fascination for
Our Lady of the Flowers
And books I never read
Enticed by the green fairy
Deferred to the enfer of my bedside

Between breaths
My ring finger tracing
A dark pool of skin above
Your downy sex
Thinking how I might distil these thoughts
And reflect when you are gone
All the poems written in your name
Deferred to the enfer of my mind


Fields before me slumber,
dreaming of by-gone days.
They fade, then hide within
the gray of a fog rolling in.

Soft ground gives beneath
my boots as I carry along.
Earth and sky surround me
in a memory of yesterday.

I feel the dew drip from the trees,
like second-hand rain.
A fence wanders over lonely hills -
my weary old friend.

My pale thoughts scatter,
like seeds sown in early days
of a now forgotten spring.


From dreamy days of our lost, yearning youth
we strode, like lions, down the trail of truth.
But ‘neath the silent starlight’s million suns
we shivered at the savage sounding guns.

They proudly pounded, pelted, till we bled.
(slight soldiers, who for more than war were bred)
Together, lost, long light-years from our home,
we laughed and larked beneath a darkling dome.


A symphony
of prayer
touches my mind
in the peace
of whispered words
I soothe my heart

some are imprinted
without thought
as filigreed light
warms my soul,
they slip out
as adoration sung
from the heart

in these moments
of reverence
and love
where no pain
can burn
or malice survive

I come as close to heaven
as I can bear to be


Beauty exists in many places
More than In our babies faces

Sometimes a thought we embrace
And a dress full of lace

A kiss from my wife
Or simply life




Sitting with feelings
A room with four walls
Cracked plaster ceiling
From which the dust falls

Frightened paralysis
Manic discord
Dark hiding hole
Or a fleeting reward

Give it a night
Then give it a day
Give it a week
When there’s naught left to say

Taste disappointment
Which spoils my cup
Spirits are down
But I’ll keep my head up

Ever long we amble
Ensnared by destiny
Endless little outcomes
Yet our will is free


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.