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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I've been waiting at the edge
but no smile curves for me,
I've watched as time went by
I now know, it isn't meant to be

As I breath out hope
I say a little prayer,
thanking all the gods
for the secrets bared

I've created life on earth
seen it fading to naught,
howled with pain so fierce
my spirit was distraught

seeing little deaths
on the faces I love,
tasting tears of joy
fall from eyes above


Assembled over the years,
I was pieced together by many things.
Among them, wounds that pierced me
without blood, but disfigured me for a time.

Scars and abrasions remain,
from loss and from love.
If I’m fortunate though,
another compress will be within reach,
ready to be applied, when needed,
by my experienced hands.

Daddy's Home! (a memory)

She hears the ding of
the elevator in the hall,
waiting to see the
apartment door open.
In he walks, putting
hat and coat on the rack
scooping her into his arms,
as she gasps and giggles.
Making sounds like an airplane
he swings her around as
her surprised whoops fill the air.
Her favorite time of day...
when Daddy comes home!

What Will Be

It is not is
It is not was.
It is what will be.

Tides Of Life

Where do I even start?
to pen my life story
so many tides of change
like sands of an unwavering dune

Longing to rekindle.
All that is now past.
of happier times and of love
As it was then, and is now

I retreat to the pangs.
of a silent broken heart
tearful eyes flow like a river.
Reaching for what used to be.

Where can I even start?
to pen the feeling in words
deep reflections of thoughts
with no beginning and no end


Love that exceeds self
Creates fear and loneliness
Among your most loved

I Go

I go to my death loving you

Though you never even knew

The flowers that you do find

Are dead from the passing of time

They lie next to letters never sent

I do not know where the time went

Many words I always wanted to say

My pain and shyness got in the way

Deep emotions kept hidden inside

Covered by tears that I never cried

Fear of being meticulously ridiculed

That was the lesson I learned in school

Now that I lay dying by my own hands

When you find me, you will not understand

In my own little world

Day after day
I sit and wonder
why time moves so fast
what's this spell that I'm under

It seems only moments
that I stood as a child
standing in green fields
with the sun warm and mild

The scent of freshly cut hay
floating on the breeze
my brother and I
full of life, yet at ease

Can anyone tell me
where the time went?
did I squander it foolishly
or was it well spent

My first impressions
lead me to believe
there were few mistakes made,
but I was young and naive


tracks bend and shift
trains barely miss
the poet that'll punch
who she wants
pulling is the answer
to a question unasked
a quaint notion
from a world without war
love is the line
she couldn't find
in the sand
on this lonely shore
loaded means fired
threats meant as dire
fail to fall on ears
deafened in death
mute was the sound
of the bullets inbound
robbed of life
without one worthy breath

A sparrow

Concerns given wings
Migrate southward for winter
Make this frost my home

Light footed sparrow
Bringing forth this bright new dawn
Draped in morning snow


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.