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Trust was a wet fish
Nearly dead and dinner
Contorting to breathe
In a world without water

I’m a wraith
between worlds
Seeking solace
Visage vague
Feeling familiar

I’m details
Diligence due
Pacing steps left
by lesser men
Unspun yarn
rotting in the loom

Lost within the Matrix!

Lost in the Matrix


Lost in the matrix


Lost in the matrix


Lost in the Matrix

When the beauty of the ethereal
Envelopes the esoteric mind
The natural boundaries
Of language expand
To fill the empty lines

No one knows and none can tell
The darkness, that within the matrix dwells

Only those who
Having experienced in part,
With heavy burdens laden
Upon their hearts

Can see the unseen
There in the dark
Their destiny carved out
With their very own hands

Spartan 007...

Killer had him by the throat
looked into his eyes
"You must be the part of me
I thoroughly despise"

What will you do, when I am gone?
Your shackles, lay to rust?
Your questions go unanswered
Dreams of freedom gone to dust

For your brash behavior causes havoc
and you would surely fall
Yes... imprisoned for forever life
stuck behind stone walls

So, don't disparage my devotion
to my brother's killing soul
You're the only reason I exist
so your safety is my goal

Perpetual Emotion Machine

A perfectly useless piece of machinery,
Working overtime from the comfort of my bed,
Beating away at irrational paces,
Reimagining moments in my head,
Replaying scenes from my movie,
Changing the script when the conversation is dead,
Fixating on error and warning signs,
But the butterflies don’t digest well after a while,
My body is beating the odds,
Calculating perfect reactions,
Winning arguments,
Charming pick up lines,
Effortless conversations,
A perfect actor,

Sal Dare, Sub Luna

Self control is holy currency
with which one can buy the world.
Hold the power over feelings
yet validate their pain;
their joy.
Kindness knows boundaries.
Families do too.
Inner peace is costly;
should be guarded with vigilance,
while being enjoyed ravenously,
never squandered into thankless hands.
Callous clutches will never hold tranquility
as long as the sun rises and sets.
Cruel words, like crooked arrows
will never find a target
in the heart of the self aware


My true love is a nightingale,
shy singer in a shady lee,
or gorgeous bird of paradise:
that rainbow-colored symphony.

Sometimes she is a turtle dove,
a gentle bird, naive, unwise.
At night, bodacious bird of prey
that swoops, like death, from savage skies.

At times she is a wee wan wren:
a frail and fragile feathered thing.
Some days she soars like eagle bold
on most majestic, mighty wing.


Sadness I do feel
Greater than an open wound
When a loved one leaves


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