Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Queen of Hearts...

A curvaceous body hid
her frozen, cold steel heart
The warmth of imagination
disguised that awful part

Though there was no intention
he felt the steady draw
of lips and hips to his
and thought about the law

As he first felt desire
rise up in his veins
the thought of sin and punishment
said he was insane

She redoubled all her efforts
made him want her more
Her skin was warm and soft
she thrilled him to his core

Challenge- In the Land of Chaos

War, what a shameful thing to see
That brings termination to mankind
Causing everything to become a nightmare
With all these horrible crime scenes
Like a living place in hell with a disaster
To see such madness turning into a ghost town
with all human deadly flesh body
dripping blood turning into a river flow
skeleton bones stay on the side
that filled with horrifying cries
Is this how we want to see our future build
With people suffering from fear and death
their lives become shattered and helpless

Godz Hitman!

Sally down the alleyway
dressed for mal intent
carbon fiber .38
attitude set on vent
to make a game of circumstance
your victim out of view
smokey bars and burned out cars
are all you ever knew
sleeping by the riverbed
staring out at cement shoes
your victims all have paid a price
but then again
you one eyed jack
someday so will you
your destination darkens,
with the sultry sinking sun
her shadow cast against the wall
and the smell of cheap perfume


Tic Toc tic tok tic
Seconds pass by each minute
Causing a new day

The Sounding Sea

When birdsong’s mere monotony
and trees are boring botany.
When skies are lined with lead
and moon is bleeding red.
It’s then I yearn for yesterday,
before my lovebird sailed away,
across the ocean blue,
when I still loved her true.

When sweet aurora’s blushing dawn
evokes no more than languid yawn.
When I can’t face the day
and blue skies fade to grey.
It’s then I steel myself to face
the tragic truth: there was no trace!
The ocean lay uncrossed;
the coastguard swore, “she's lost!”

Off Poetry

Poetry is a channel
for one's inner directions

many keep desires
deeply hidden

those who perceive
are intelligent
adore visuals

have an open mind
enjoy some bitter
black coffee

I love red wine
then only I shine..
you may or may not
with me 'tis fine


In a time of quiet cold
when all the fields of clover sleep
biding time in silent rest
buried in the snowy deep
encased in white purity
I name thee patience

With every passing breath
rise and fall of every tide
riding with our mother moon
feelings ebb and flow inside
afloat upon your waves
I strive for peace

Gather every falling tear
the ocean and the salt
bottle them so I may hold
deep and empathetic thoughts
I drink this daily tonic
my compassion

Be a Light

If you can change the world
Only change it for the better
If you can write your story
Write it and follow it to the letter

If you can create an atmosphere
Make sure you give a positive vibe
Never put others down to act cool
Be the reason others feel alive

In a world where all people do is fight
Change the trend and Be a Light

They Are Watching

The world is watching us
As the past comes calling
All pros and cons of our days
When we leave them behind with our gods in the front
Laughing at us like comedians
Who do old thing everytime

The world is reading us
On the pages of the earth
The blank plain white paper
Folded like a scroll
When we live under the rules
Designed by some sets of people
And agreed to live as fools forever



Healing from within
Allows us to view our thoughts
And stop our actions

Causing us to act
Totally in a new way
While we seek some help

Creating a change
In the person whom we are
From one we once were

Providing our mind
With the time to understand
We can be better


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.