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The stream (all workshops)

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Screams into the night

Darkness gobbles up light

Drops in the blood

Rains down like a flood

Sharpness in the pain

Dwells within my brain

Fissures in the seams

Nightmares in my dreams

Why do you haunt me?

Your screams will not let me be

My eyes cry each night

To your everlasting delight

Underneath the Moon, you lied

You drew me in like the tide

Broke my heart on your rocks

Now me, you do ever mock

I sunk like a stone is my heart

Your screams keep us apart

Poetry is Alive

I always felt as if my poetry wasn’t real poetry.
That my writing could never be as good as Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, or Lord Alfred Tennyson.
They were masters of their art.
But then I read a book that explained the breaks, rhythm, and melody of poetry.

How for one to be a poet,
One must write from the heart
And let words flow from the soul.

How poetry isn’t defined by rhyme,
But how the feelings of the poet are conveyed.

Me or love

Love can consume
The logic of love has no rule
But the pain of love
Sometimes makes you choose
Physical strength
Is what a coward would use as they beat
Against the pain
A love they might lose
So the only option
Is to tell the truth
Words of love
Are the only thing they can use
Surrendering Everything
They understand that love has no rule
If to give up
What would they lose
Because there were days of love
That the pain had no room

Sing Me A Song

Sing me a song, music man
Sing it like I'm the only one
I've been listening for so long
Every note feels like home

Stolen thoughts
Enraptured by your words
Melodious reverberation
Echoing down my spine

Wrap my soul
In the warmth of your tone
Everything about you
Is where I belong


Uninhibited you ask,
I am anything but,
caught in a cycle,
not knowing which end is up
when I'm down, I'm down
like a pig in the mud
but when I resurface
I'll help you to rise up
just til I'm triggered
by your voice or your touch
counting on determination
to allow me to drink from your cup
the anger attached to this rapid decline
is just a good reason to
let this fury pass by!
to head for the hills
and let sleeping dogs lie!

Miss Direction...

She holds his eyes accountable
but pours him another drink
Her feminine wiles beckon smiles
and serve him a sexy wink

Like all the others before him
he falls for the line of her story
seduced by the scene where she's seen
and she denies she wants the glory

Photos of desire imprinted
made-up lips of what she said
eyes torn away from the cruel light of day
he falls for her look instead


I said my prayers upon my knees a long, long time ago,
I’d genuflect and cross myself and let him take me so.
And when I felt I was at peace, I’d look upon his glory,
So I could know him lovingly and live within his story.

Inside church walls devotion used and there to give me lesson.
And learn the ways of the lord and accept I’m his possession.
Through all my life I said the words with duty and compliance,
Accepting God for all his good, yet still ignoring science.

I Remember

I remember.
The house high upon the hill.
It was so long ago.
But I remember it still.
Those nights when I would sit and watch the night drift by.
Nights that were silent and still.
The air filled with a chill.
Stars shining bright.
A soft glow of moonlight.
the glow of distant city lights.
Perhaps one day a place to go
My imagination runs wild.
Those days when I was a child.
It seems so long ago.
But I still remember.
Those nights so silent and still.
The air filled with a chill.

A Place to Fall

Ride the tides of life we must
With all the ups and downs
Winds will push me from your shores
Spin my compass bearings ‘round

My faith that you surround me
Sustains me on the decks
I’m gone sailing far and long
Dark and introspective treks

All directions lead me back
I moor in your lagoon
I fall upon your sacred sand
Washed in silver by the moon

My tears would fall upon your beach
A gift of salt and heart
No ocean, tides, or winds avail
To keep us long apart

A Cat's Life (For Benny)

Tiny ball of fur,
Playing with the Christmas tree ornaments.
The world is your toy
And I chuckle with each new discovery.

Fuzzy little ball,
Curled up in my lap and purring.
With me, you are safe
And I bury my hand in your warm fur.

Sleek and sassy kitty,
Chasing your brother through the house.
Knocking things akilter
And I am aghast at the destruction in your wake.

Purring furry roommate,
Sleeping next to me through the night.
Snuggled in my arm,
I am comforted by your trusting soul.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.