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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I walk through a storm of autumn leaves
which swirl and fall like colored snow,
pitched and tossed on a cold breeze
until they join their brethren down below.

These leaves have made paths indistinct
but I've been here oft times before
when route was marked clear as if inked.
I hardly need maps any more.

This white oak on this steep hillside?
I watched a doe feed here one morning
sun shining on her winter coat
till she snorted and left without a warning.


Can be seen
In great detail
Showing how we fail
Crying for what we did
Beating us up each new day
Never stopping to create change
Never thinking about what could be
To make tomorrow a successful day


The old songs
Never lost their meaning
But we heard them too much
And thus became indifferent to them

But sometimes a quiet afternoon comes
A gentle breeze lifts up the curtains
And you're just there, relaxed
There's no other sound but your heartbeat
And the heartbeat of life itself

That old song creeps in your head
Its melody takes you back in time
Perhaps to a similar afternoon
Back in your childhood years
You silently mouth the lyrics
As a smile creeps on your face

Losing it?

The world rolls around
one more time
waiting in bed trying
to cough up a line
my brain is full of
mental spittle
that might give hope to
one more committal
no longer bearing the same
purpose or meaning
the truths that I sought,
now are receding
so lend me your ear
I'm losing it little by little
safe passage may appear
with heaven's acquittal!


It is gone.
That pink and red muscle
Dissolved like candy
In its own fluids.
Or a curled pillbug
Surrendered to sleep indefinite
By the lottery box.
How it yowls
Cold from the living room
And severs from me
My child,

I am water

When I swim, I am fluid
water becomes an extension
of my body
Or I become an extension of the water
It is pleasantly confusing
Healing flotation
gently pressing on my skin
Holding me like a lover
Tender liquid
Needing no strength to lift my weight
bubbles like silver barbels rise
Emerging from my lungs
Delicate jellyfish
Gliding in a dream space
Peaceful blue haze
Below the surface of ripples
I drift low to the earth
In a transparent landscape
No longer a land roaming being but


It’s cruel
hard standing here
watching you lying there
wasting away

Another day
you get up fight through it
and we forget
you’re dying

It’s cruel
now that you’ve turned your life around
and we’ve found we can be here
for each other

It’s hard
not knowing how long we have
will we meet again on the other side

Caught a glimpse of you sleeping
pillow pulled tight
holding on
for dear life

Where is the Light?

In light of the world we say shines so bright
Why is it now so dark?
It’s hard to even see the shadows.
Hate consuming all that it touches
Almost completely destroying any trace of love.
There are tears in the eyes of our children and despair breeding in the hearts of men.
Yet, we claim to live in light.
Where has the light gone?
Why has it faded to nearly gray hues of shadow so dark I can’t even see in front of me?
Has the heart of men become so dark that we willingly destroy the light?

"Damp gusset"

I'm gonna get me a pair o' lederhosen,
the kind Adolf used to wear,
Not the attire the missus woulda chosen
they're sorta kinky - to be fair,

But they made his balls look massive,
n they made his arse look taut -
We all know the guy weren't passive
n did things he shouldn'ta ought.

I bet ya missus Hitler loved him
with his dick hung out one side,
And as for bombin London,,,
WELL -- we'll let that fucker slide !

Modern Times

They talk so quick,
They speak so loud
You hear them squawk above the crowd,
Fingers fly.
Heads bowed low
See nothing but the screen below.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.