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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The waiting room

Children cry and hug their mothers
the room is crowded no space for others

a lone tear makes its journey down my face
we all pray together for the human race

our loved ones lie in beds with crisp white sheets
hooked up to machines that show their heart beats

doctors rush around like leaves on a windy morning
their footsteps echo like outside its storming

my heart beats at a steady pace
terrified for my lover it starts to race

this room is there to keep us quiet
to wait calmly without a riot

Letter to Al Neo-Betrayal

Betrayal is a say
filled with a brutal feeling
like being stabbed
by a sharp knife
Into your
and cut you
in half
that causing you
to bleeding
even to
It will consume
you by
you to
drown into your
own tears that
could haunt you
that EVEN may never be healed
Despite with the
It will have to face
with the reality
To fight off the battle
To beat the odd
To move on with life
Even when the


Poetry is more than rhyme
Or words dictated by form
It is what we feel Inside
It’s our thoughts and feelings
About what we see
Put into images uniquely
Our own

Ephraim the wanderer!

Lost and forlorn
you walk through the deserts
lonely at night,you cry to the moon
Jakobs child
continually searching
for somewhere to rest
somewhere to call home
given your heart to some strange rebellion
can't keep both feet upon the road
when will you cease to pine and wander
will you ever turn and come home?

The Other Half

How do you carry on
When the sun has left
And no soul knows
Where he has gone

The pain multiplies
Emotions and memories
That leads to oceans
Into weary eyes

Tomorrow can’t
Call in sick
So, what to do?
Another storm
To walk through

This war of regrets
Kill and upsets
Oh, life has a way
Of paying its debts

Slowly the sun
Lights up its throne
As it brightens
The darkest alleys
Of your heart


The noise from the game brings me back to the present
To the half drunk bottle of beer
And the unlaced boots still on my feet
What has happened to me?

There are groceries on the kitchen counter
They must have sat there for days
Even the coffee table at my knee
Is covered in dust
And beer bottle marks

It wasn't always like this
Her smile once lit up this place
Her beauty gave my life a purpose
Now I'm barely even here
Barely even alive


I know her paper heart
and all that is written there
Her quill never keeps secrets

Her Heart is a Rodeo

She gives this game her all in all
But when that barrel tips and falls
She was taught to hold her head up high
And never ask the good Lord why

She's got scars on her knees and shins
Her hands are calloused but then again
That's just the price you pay for this sport
Getting the gold is worth all the blood and hurt

She's been bucked and she's been threw
And felt pain more than a time or two
But she gets back up no matter the case
She pulls down her hat and enters that next race

A sweet refrain!

Gleefuly the children play
adorned with raincoats
a blustery day
jumping in the midst of puddles
mum and dad trail
o're the cobbles
reminiscing of
times long past
watching children
sing and dance
gazing off as in a trance!
all Gods' children in the rain
crying out in sweet refrain!


It's a lot better now
The sunsets have a bit more colour
The smiles are a bit more real
And I've learnt to breathe again

I make my bed these days
I open the windows and let the sunshine in
Something about this simple act
Brings light into my life
How did I not know this sooner?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.