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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Lost in the Moment

Somewhere between wakefulness and sleep
You reach out for me
and pull me close.

I can feel you breathe..
the rise and fall of your chest.

Your arms wrap around me
and hold me tight.

I could stay here forever
enveloped in your embrace.

You squeeze me tighter
and drift off to sleep
and I’m still here
lost in the moment
with you.


In our snap shut skin
in the blue twang of youth

We bound young wolves
in a palette of grey
We shackled
a snowflake in white

We manacled the sun
unto the day

We tethered the moon - -
to the night.


Challenge Waiting Room- Your Memory

You're shared memory
embraced me with
cherished moment
as I remember vividly
like yesterday
How I emulated you
in the reflection of the mirror
each day I woke up
carrying you in my thought
filled an imprinted plant seed
reminded me of each glorious day
like your radiant smile
instilled in me
making me feeling loneliness
of your absence leave
I battled in an empty nest
to ask to go back in time
feel of your presence
to hold you
with a dedicated memory


Arise awake on this dull morning, arise awake we’re full of doubt
If you see the land on fire, do not shake and don’t speak out?
If you boil too hot in winter, they sell ice to cool you down
Freezing weather in the summer, never thawed for burial ground.

When all we had was smog and dust, and people coughed their last
Now the masters go too far, and the planet burns so fast
Everything you paid for, and had the nerve to call your own
Speak it silent my dear friend, they want to buy your loan

Slow Occurrence

I can hear the loud evil sound

As I fly high above the ground

I can feel the wet from the rain

As lighting permeates my brain

The fire from the pit begins to rise

I can see the lies lying in her eyes

A fire can start from just a spark

The fire has gone out in my heart

I try to run away from the life I led

I cannot outrun what is in my head

So I will lie down let the evil feed

Until there is no more left of me

Conditional Surrender...

Grey fog filled the valley
the storm rumbled overhead
thunder rode at him
on a blue and silver thread

Sagebrush swept the landscape
flung sand against the sky
he watched the purple brush
paint its colors on his eye

Skeletal Saguaro standing
like ghostly haunters now
bleached by sun and scouring sand
above a scavenged cow

Deserted by intelligence
Running on pure emotion
darkest night alone
sail on this desert ocean


I am in love
with the ripples in the water,
the setting sun as it lies down
to sleep over the lake.

I am enamored
with the release of daylight's
final seconds, sparkling and soft,
spent and content to simply let go.

Are you not in love?
What is the purpose of the end of the day,
if not to be in love?

In that glorious moment when light
silently nods and extends her hand
to be kissed by the evening's sweet breath.

Still Small Voice

As autumn leaves were falling,
my true love’s voice came calling.
I heard her by the bay
where we’d once gone to stay.
As wild west wind was blowing,
I had no way of knowing
this voice was just a dream,
not real, like rock or stream.
As heart of mine was aching,
my mind had been mistaking
the wind, for voice I knew,
of girl: my first love true.
As sun so low was lying,
and day was nearly dying,
down on the Cornish Coast,
I’d heard my true love’s ghost.

Waiting Room

Sing soft lonely soul
Like a warm summer breeze,
Pray she'll come lonely soul
Your heartache to ease.
As you sit in loud silence
Eyes closed to the world
Just you and the silence
With memories unfurled.

Hear her voice lonely soul
As an angels caress,
Soft as a moonbeam
Your sad soul to bless.
She is gone lonely soul
Only memories remain
Do not grieve lonely soul,
Soon this waiting will end.



In a brief, but sacred moment
she dances thru the moonlit sky
making her way on wings of glory
starshine falls thru young lovers eyes
heavens herald, she mesmerizes,
mistress of the midnight sky
One dark evening you may see her
coursing thru the dark of night!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.