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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


goddess gaze

When Zephyrus’ winds blew her to shore,
new-born from ocean deep.
She breathed such beauty, love and grace
that gods began to weep.

Her gentleness and dignity,
with beauty, mixed and merged.
On wistful waves she swept ashore,
no more to be submerged.

Her hair was long and wrapped around
her body that was bare.
She cast no shadow on the sand,
which made the locals stare.

Cats in the Sun...

Warm summer morning, the air was dry
and so the grass in the field
Seven cats stalking, shadows walking
To see what the field would yield

Old Tom, lingering slow behind
Sees what the others have missed
what they didn't find, so kind
The world felt warm, sunkissed...

Now, full of snacks of bugs and mice
a sunny spot, so very nice
They gathered for a rest with bests
and napped away 'most the day

Literacy predicted days

Orwell spoke of crazy times ahead
Words that warned of all the lies
Yet we chose to bow our heads instead
Falling for such wilful disguise

And he wrote about pigs and power
With their snouts deep in the troughs
Many slogans they did devour
During times of persistent coughs

For what purpose at that time?
Only time will help us know
Lies that were hidden by such crime
And yet the truth will likely show

Depression Bites

The sun is shining brightly
But behind my eyes is rain
My soul is shrinking inward
As depression bites again

Outside I see the pretty girls
With perfect shape and smile
My mirror tells me I'm not one
Truth is I'm pretty vile

I have a few small talents
No I'm not a total loss
I can write like this and sing a song
And dress up like a boss

I'm tired of fighting constant pain
I'm tired of unkind words
I'm losing grip on reality
My whole existence is absurd


Thinking about the word freedom causes
Me to examine actions of the past and the present
To take the time for pauses

Defined as restrictive actions to be enforced
Makes me think that there are different types
Those we place on ourselves and those coerced

I find it not as much as imposed action
But rather freedom or lack of
Exists because of our reaction

It is the restrictions that we submit
That creates what we call freedom
It is the actions that we permit

Just to find a line!

Struggling just to find the words
to convey in a simple line
do I know too much or lack the wisdom
to even write it down!
frustration and an aching head
are all I seem to find
it seems as though the wrongs and rights
have caught me in a bind
passing judgment on myself
I walk a narrow line
the workings of the universe say
the consequence is mine
will I live to write another day
or just be left behind!
my brain says yes, my heart says no
you then must decide!

The Void

Busted glass
Laced with hopelessness
Desensitized; deprived; dispassionate
Wishes etched in bloody ruefulness

Dead and buried
Were jagged memories
That pierced the essence
Of what could've been

My ignorant attachment
Masked through a Messiah Complex
Spun an inescapable circus
Of cyclical curses and woes

Globules of red
Drip to the floor
One emotion at a time
This is goodbye....

Could have , would have ,should have.

If I could wind back the hands of time.
And reach the things
I've left behind.
I'd find the child
A troubled girl.
I'd catch her
Before she unravelled.
I'd hold her hand
Whilst she travelled.
I'd help her find
An Ear in which
She could confide.
I'd cut down
Those brambles
To clear a path.
So she would have
A different past.
The teen would send that application
And succeed in her vocation.
The single mum
Should have left,not run.


I live in
the summer
house of
in the
of silence.
travail of
me like
I'm now
in a moment!

these dark clouds
that has been
as a wisp
of smoke
shall come
to a halt.

I'm a living
I fear not
fiery darts


*Content Warning*
Mass violence

Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

We once sent our children
On boats across a sea
And we called them soldiers
When they were barely 18

There was one Great War
And then there were two
We said never again
Lest we forget what we knew

They might look different now
In sneakers and backpacks
But those are the uniforms
They wear down in their trench


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.