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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



She draped him in peasant rags and held him to her breast,
For children at that time were plenty, but women, they were worthless.
Father unknown in the dark, he paid her but a pittance,
When a woman has no power, she can’t suffer with resistance.

Inebriated on the steps at noon, drunkard, bawd and dame,
They fight and brawl and drink all day in celebration of the game.
For gin was foul and evil, but small beer, not as twisted,
To drink one was acceptable, the other must be resisted.

What May Be Ours

Dipping your toes in the spring,
they authored gentle ripples.
I held your hand there.

Later, I showed you how to skip a rock across the water.
The joy on your face when you got it just right,
I will never forget.

To our right, a murmur of starlings
blacked out our piece of the sky.
It wasn't theirs to have, nor was it ours.

As the feathered swifts swirled away,
we saw the early evening stars.
They too were not ours to possess,
but the memories surely must be.
They seem enough for me.


*Content Warning*
Critical Illness

Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I wanted to see you get older

I wanted to see you
Get the “C” on your hockey sweater
That you worked so hard all season to earn
And lead your team into the playoffs

I wanted to see you pull into the driveway
In your Dad’s Chevy truck at 16
Going just a little too fast
Beeping the horn the whole way in
Because you just got your license

I'm Tremendous

I'm Tremendous

Im tremendous and amazing in my own way
Ive challenged authority learned lessons that may
Turn my life in directions i wasnt heading
Kept my hands on the wheel steering n letting

Pure instincts to land the life that ive lived
So many people to thank knowing i gived
Everything everytime anyone needed me
As a lover and a fighter the heart you cant see

My First Time Published

Donna worked for the Dracut Dispatch
I never made the connection then
Then the year of nineteen ninety-four
She was my first foot in published door

There was a call I don’t remember
Around late in the month September
Someone said, so I purchased news then
To see my poem - off to dinner

Now she who knew me was a sinner
I was favored by her that one time
All for a prime rib juicy dinner
My budding writing had found some minds

Donna, oh Donna, lost your honor
But my career had turned it’s corner


Be it gentle breeze or raging gale
Wind has always touched my soul,
To understand the tales of wind
Has always been my goal.

I've known the wind to give and take
I've known it to betray,
But I've also seen the gifts it brings
Lifting wings with gentle sway.

Some might choose to curse the wind
As they walk against its force,
Always seeming to fight some cause
As they struggle down their course.

A Tribute to mother-

Like the ocean tide travel wave
It is written on the distinction of her face
drowning in the emotional weight
passing up and down along the pace
fighting through the heavy thunderstorm way
In a tireless effort display
With much courage and praise
In an unwaveringly stay
Of a mother’s instinct pray
To protect her child as always
with her unselfishness portray
to provide a better way
in seeking her child’s needs
Even mean putting herself at last
Only we all know how much of

Back When There Was Hope

I used to believe in fate
Back when it was only designed for me and you
Every star, every sign
Proof from the universe’s messengers that we were soulmates

The way we so effortlessly clicked
Like a puzzle with only two pieces
But still valued our differences
Like two people making empty promises

After so many years of waiting
I knew it was right this time
An overpowering energy resided within us
Temporarily veiling the problems we faced before

My Opinion of This Onion

This juicy, lively onion
has a savory flavor like
no other edible plant
used to compliment another food,
such as a seasoning or a sauce,
when adding to a spicy recipe,
enveloping taste within,
wrapping sweet flavor throughout,
causing my eyes to flood like a mighty river.

Amidst the mystified hell and solicitude
In this miserable time of crisis,
We all should hope for solidarity.

In solidarity, we have to stand
With all our noblest & deadliest peacemakers.
Again, there'd be love for humanity!

Without overlooking Hope, Unity, Love, indeed
All human beings will find Peace
Indisputably, amid this crisis in totality.

© Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi


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