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My Opinion of This Onion

This juicy, lively onion
has a savory flavor like
no other edible plant
used to compliment another food,
such as a seasoning or a sauce,
when adding to a spicy recipe,
enveloping taste within,
wrapping sweet flavor throughout,
causing my eyes to flood like a mighty river.

Causing my eyes to flood like a mighty river,
wrapping sweet flavor throughout,
enveloping taste within,
when adding to a spicy recipe,
such as a seasoning or sauce
used to compliment another food,
no other edible plant
has a savory flavor like
this juicy, lively onion.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Making my salad...
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "My Opinion of This Onion" is a creative and unique take on describing the flavor and impact of an onion. The author utilizes interesting imagery to convey the onion's taste and the physical response it elicits. The use of repetition, particularly in the reversed order of the lines, adds a sense of rhythm and balance to the piece.

One area that could be improved is the clarity of the poem's purpose. While the author's opinion of the onion is expressed in the title, it is not fully developed in the poem itself. Adding a few lines that delve into why the onion is so special to the author could strengthen the overall impact of the piece.

In terms of line edit, one suggestion would be to change "enveloping taste within" to "enveloping flavors within" for consistency with the rest of the poem's use of the word "flavor." This small change would enhance the poem's overall cohesiveness.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Overall, great suggestions, AI! Don't think I'm gonna use "flavor" so close together, though.
Thank you!

author comment

The poem "My Opinion of This Onion" is a creative and unique take on describing the flavor and impact of an onion.
I think it does more than describe because I saw onion throughout the read and as well tears flowing and lol a hot dog.
Creative is on target, real poetry.

So you like onion on your hot dog? I'm glad this brought that image for you! Going for the reverse poem was a bit more challenging than I thought it would be in trying to make (at least a little bit of) sense.
Thank you for reading and commenting. I am always grateful.

author comment
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