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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Nothing's Fair in Love and War

The house is clean
The dishes are done

I went to work
and wore a smile.

I sat in my chair
and watched as the kids rode their bikes
up and down the drive.

I fed them dinner
and put them to bed,
then showered the day away.

From the outside looking in,
Everything is fine

But what they don't see...
Is that I can't sleep
I can't eat
I cry on the way to work
And in the shower
And when I lay down in bed at night.


I am a survivor
But I don’t feel like a survivor
Survivors are supposed to be brave, strong, and lucky
Survivors are fighters
Meanwhile, I’m scared, weak and I don’t ever feel lucky
I am a survivor but I am not a fighter
When people ask me how I feel or try to congratulate me, I start to break down inside
Even though I feel like my life is crashing down, I have to smile and act like everything is okay
Because when people think of survivors they think of them as heroes
I am not a hero, although everybody thinks of me as one


My Mum wrote me a letter, it was just a little note.
We were both in hospital, when she spilled her love onto paper.
I was having a baby, she had a blockage in her throat,
They tried to shield me from this truth.

I had my boy, he was big and strong,
She had her operation, and they said the blockage had gone.
But they were so wrong.
She died eight months later.

I still read her note and my eyes fill,
My baby is a grown man today.
And her death is a hard to swallow pill,
To remember her leaves a deep wound.


Born a secret
Not by choice
Branded from birth
Five was more than enough

A cyclical pattern
I was unaware
Turned me into a curse
However much I cared

An endless search for love
For the acceptance I needed
To feel like my life mattered
So many red flags I should've heeded

Born a secret
Nothing much has changed
I've never been good enough
And will die the same

Changing My Mind

Beleaguered by patterns
Harmful or otherwise
Feeling short of options

I turn again to medicine
Familiar and sacred

Bristling with trepidation
Like the advent of electricity
All the lights come on

Wheresoever my senses probe
I find something miraculous

Steeped in this phenomenon
I step outside myself
Into some revelation

Devoid of attachment to the ego
I simply am

Headlong into spatial bliss
I’m willingly projected
Through an emotional vortex


Like a long-ago forgotten tale

Your love has left me unwell

By a ghostly hand taken away

Your body is gone, your memory stays

I now hide behind a dark veil

Laid to waste by a love that failed

Left alone and left unclean

Being punished by someone unseen

Like poison surging through my veins

Your love in me will always remain

Until I lay down and find my peace

Until I lay down and my blood I release

They will lie me 'neath unholy ground

No longer to your love will I be bound

Tribute to Mother...

I wish that I had written letters to my mother
like my sister did
I wish that at least one of the dreams I had
came true... for her

I watched my crazy dreams crash and burn
you know,
where I was rich and famous
could buy her stuff...

I'm sure that my mother knew how much I loved her
but I know
I left scars on her heart, and even though she said
they had healed, I saw them

I, Your Assister.

The sudden desperation begins to coincide with her words--

Words spat out with unforeseen madness,
As she pleads them to submit to her, the submitter--

She, the appeaser.

"Are you listening to me? I, your assister?"

"Do my wishes, my beliefs, become transparent?"

Yet, the receivers refuse to rationalize their claims--

They wait for her submission,
regardless of her aspirations–

And rebuff her affections.

Challenge- I did it myself

There is a road that
I ride on it is rough
It seems so far away
miles ahead of me
It is impossible to
find the way
through the tunnel
sometimes it feels lost
to know where to go
I refused to give up
to take the initiative
to remind of myself
always stay positive
to keep things going
finding the right direction
to the successful path
persistent is the key
when it comes to
face with challenges
to stand up bravely
overcome obstacles
accomplish the goal

Charlie's new hat.

I like Charlie-
Charlie talks to trees.
Never understood why
he ventured,
'tween Camilla's-

Guess you "had to be there."
ying became his yang,

Diana wasn't looking
Camilla's legs went -- TWANG !!

I like Charlie-
Charlie talks to trees.

Now he's a fully paid up member
of the lumpenbourgeoisie.



(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.