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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



You are a soft diamond
in the rain and morning light,
spectral at the surface
as dragonflies in flight,
delicate and beautiful
as blown and brindled sedge,
a rippled, dappled stream of light
I watch from water's edge.


Mist clears to leave me cold in the wetness of the earth,
When daylight touches edge of life, and ends this sorry dearth.
The verdant grass full and lush, shines with silver trails,
Of animals found in the dark, steadfast on their travails.

And mammals came and fed on me, they nibbled at my life,
Their faces in my hands to suckle on my soul.
And share with me god’s own earth, the evidence was rife,
As we despoil our planet fast, with fossil fuel and coal.


Bryan Adams sang on
About loving and being loved
Having a hand to hold
And a smile to look upon
On this journey called life

Bryan Adams sang on
As I sat there, tears in my eyes
Listening to the bitter fighting
Erupting from the kitchen

Caught between the song
And the nightmare
I covered my ears to shut them both out
But there was no escape
From either of them

Return to the Limelight

With excitement building
I sit down to rehearse
Better everyday
Could always play it worse

I asked for a booking
Which I then received
Now I’ve got to work
Although my soul’s relieved

Make it my routine
Like the decades past
Focus on the performance
Until the very last

Final note sustains
I come back to myself
Return from sonic journeys
With treasure chests of wealth


I suppose it is necessary,
addling the eggs of the geese.
They are beyond plentiful,
proliferating abundantly,
destructive and messy,
aggressive, dangerous,
and downright

But watching the devoted female
nesting over her four eggs
day after day,
her mate close by guarding both
mother and clutch so steadfastly,
felt cruel and deceiving -
like a cheap inside joke,
a painful, horrid lie.

Dimensions of a Woman

The Oracle dwells within
The speaker of truth
a cleanser of sins
The Witch
lies and decieves
The jester
just wants to please
The fairy
dances everywhere
While Rupunzal
let's down her hair.

The Coming

They say patience is a virtue,
And likely they aren't wrong.
They say the meek inherits the earth,
It just likely takes so long.

They say that goodness wins,
And evil inevitably loses.
They say that the wealthy are quick,
Whilst the poor most likely cruises.

They say that sickness is a burden,
It drags a progressive world down.
They say the healthy lead the way,
Yet its their greed that drags us down.

Transient Blossom

Beauty and happiness seem to me
As transient as blossom on an apple tree
The two are not linked and I hope you see
Past this decaying carcass that holds the real me

My looks have withered as my waistline expands
My locks have greyed and my eyes have aged
For many years I've had my head in the sand
I now look in the mirror and see my sparkle fade

Transient Blossom

Beauty and happiness seem to me
As transient as blossom on an apple tree
The two are not linked and I hope you see
Past this decaying carcass that holds the real me

My looks have withered as my waistline expands
My locks have greyed and my eyes have aged
For many years I've had my head in the sand
I now look in the mirror and see my sparkle fade

Baby bird Villanelle

When I was 6 I found a nest
A lone baby bird I had seen
I took it home, I thought it best

I sat the bird upon my desk
I dug for worms- juicy and lean
When I was 6 I found a nest

Mother Robin nearby, stressed
My action of love was factually mean
I took it home, I thought it best

The bird soon died upon my chest
I mourned for it, what could have been
When I was 6 I found a nest

Full of regret ‘I shouldn’t have messed’
It had become a melancholy scene
I took it home, I thought it best


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.