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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Black tarmac road, winter night, the full moon follows me.
Mammy, look, look at the moon Mammy, do you see?

My arm tucked into hers, defended from invading sibling,
On her other side, a baby brother, twelve months beyond a yearling.

The marathon walk to the church, we sit in refrigeration
Packed together inside to wait, with a shivering congregation.

On her knees, praying, with words I didn’t understand.
But all through the service, I’d hold her arm with my demanding hand.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

The shade of red that the leaves turn in the fall.
The sizzling sound of sparklers on July 1st.
Running the brush down a horse’s back.
Drinking your cup of coffee in the morning.
How every single night out here, you can point out the stars that make up
The Big Dipper.


Angelina by the sea
Angelina, wild and free
giving in to April showers
chasing radiant springtime flowers
carelessly her heart succumbs
falling into her lover’s arms
slipping off her shoes and socks
opening pandoras box
gazing up as if in a trance
loving eyes retrace her glance
quietly makes her way back home
Angelina all alone!

Tribute To The Warriors

The guards that attended to us
Stood in combat to defend us
In death’s dark desert wild
Where delight abate
I’ve missed them like a music.

Through dust of conflict and battle flame
Their knightly virtue proved
Their memories hallowed in the land they loved
Where death is sitting
All skill, knowledge and powers
And the smile upon their cheerful faces
I’ve missed them like a music.

I did it myself

I feel terrible at times
Anxious, uptight, full of panic
Causing terrible thoughts

Family, friends and fellow workers
Try their best to encourage me
Giving me hugs and prayers

I listen to their remedies
I appreciate all their thoughts
I feel special with their prayers

No matter how much my friends suggest
I come to the realization that I
Can only succeed by understanding my feelings

It is only I who can fix how I feel
It is I who can make each day a success
Only if I did it myself


Grammarly, grammarly –
they've all got it grammarly
If they punctuate me
I’ll punctuate them

up the bracket

The etcetera
is my raison d'etre
but letters are better

They bother me
What do they do?
They don’t dash or slash
they’re not equal to a hash
they just hang there
in mid-air like eyes
that stop and stare.

A poem of love.

You have my heart and soul, darling,

You're the Odysseus to Penelope
The Heracles to my Megara
The Mark Anthony to my Cleopatra
The Napoleon to my Josephine
The Pierre to my Marie, darling.

You're my world,
My sun, moon, stars, and air.
You are like a ghost,
Haunting me with your love with every step I take,
Never leaving, till death do we part.

And even so,
Until our souls smolder out into ashes and dimmed sparks,
Our flaming love will forever be joint.

Dear John, (Dear John Letter Contest)

I haven’t heard from you in ages.
I don’t know how to feel.
I know you’re overseas
and I know it’s cruel of me,
but I can’t be alone anymore.

I wish you were here to hold me.
I wish you could take the pain away.
But you’re not here to do those things
I just need to be “someone’s” again.

This is the last letter I’ll write to you.
And I’m sorry for the pain it will cause.
I wish things were different
But I can’t take the distance anymore.


It's like that feeling in early winter
When the sunshine is too hot
And the shadows too cold
And there's no in between

There's a wispy cloud out in the east
It hangs there lonely against the blue sky
Reminding me of someone I know
Because just a head's turn to the north
There's a multitude of others
And still it hangs there by its lonesome


This pen it is my weapon, I wield it as a sword,
This paper is a canvas, for words I’m certain to record.
This desk it has a purpose, to hold me in my place,
This day is unlike others, I no longer see your face?

My sadness grows provoking, and it pulls me from the light,
My happiness has left me lonely, as has my aging sight.
My fingers now they pain me when the morning birds they sing
My worry grows heavy, when the telephone won’t ring


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.