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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Passages of Rhyme

all knees and elbows;
I remember that awkward stage,
feeling out of faze in my body
when being graceful was the rage.

a faint hunger in my belly
growing to an aching roar.
watching the dancers with their
inspired movements on the floor.

how I longed to join them
letting the music move me
carrying me along in rhythm
finding notes of ecstasy.

hanging back, watching from the wings
listening, hearing the music of the time
caught up in the lights and the words
of the lyrical passages of rhyme


It seemed as if I had molted
Crawled out of a chitinous shell
Armor long since grown too small
Became a paralyzing hell

Tender flesh now sits exposed
Defenseless to the passing time
Without restraint now, something grows
In the corners of my mind

Corpuscles flowing freely through
Vessels throbbing in plain sight
My Metamorphosis begins
Each and every lonely night

Every morning I’m reborn
Into an opportunity
The wild world keeps turning
Let’s hope it turns for me

In stitches

I'm making a blanket
a simple task you say
I know it might seem easy
But its not working out that way
I learnt a few stiches
and I got underway
I can't read a pattern
I don't learn that way
I started out on YouTube
And I've finally found my way
So I'm making a lovely blanket
Thats taking forever and a day!
I think I'm now an addict
for crochet
And for yarn
I'm not really worried
What could be the harm?
But I'm staying up late

Behind The Mask

Venom filled fangs
Bite through tainted lips
Once gentle finger tips
Twist into crooked razor blades
Stabbing its victims in the back

Phony appearances
The audience's delight
Behind closed doors
It's fight or flight
A narcissistic paradise

Bruises on the soul that never heal
The monster is alive and well
Feeding off open wounds
Finding new dreams to steal
Welcome to never ending hell

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot, belongs in a chariot
To heaven, and not into hell.
Because Judas Iscariot, would be doing so well
If Jesus was as just, as he.

Jesus belonged on the cross, he was wrong
He lied, and Judas - blame free.
Judas Iscariot - the burden he carried,
Was banished, and not set free

He did what was right, didn’t put up a fight
And look what happened to he...
The story’s moral - that karma is fake
And when your brave, you die for God’s sake…


The earth was once a virgin
and on my hut birds sings
What must have happened to the trees
They cry this hurrible sound, ripping heart from cage
Even in 1974 I still reminiscence this touch
a fragrance as pure like  heaven itself, this cool breeze
not this dark wallowing poisons everywhere.

We have disvirgined the earth brutally
She now bleeds dark blood, red tears
death now a blessing bestowed to yams
hunger hovering, maybe science I should blame
oh earth,
but please your anger hold still.

Hierarchical paradigm of the Amish community

After reading the novel titled
Broken English by Paul L Gaus...

accentuating, exhibiting, incorporating...
the Amish, whose long history of farming
with horses and mules, dates back
to when horse-drawn plows
first used to break up the earth.

While some newer Amish farms
use tractor-drawn equipment,
many Amish farmers still prefer
to use horse-drawn implements.

The scent of a singular man

I expected to find you, all these years later,
Bad tempered, craggy, vile breathed as before -
Generous with your opinions, but not your silence,
A noisy roar of a man,

But once, when you found me,
Distraught by some sorrow
Unable to speak, so you did not,
But hollowed me with gentleness,
Wiping my face, as if I were a child,
With a piece of rank cloth, smelling of engines and cars
And pot, and this, and that - the scent of a singular man
Living life on an oily rag.

“I’m here.”

Why do they act so much like them?

Same used smile…

Same name…

Same use of words…

They have grown too familiar
To him in the pile.

His name of the figure
The one that’s filled with shame.

Every word couldn’t be filtered
It went on specific terms.

“They’re like us…
Like them.”

Way too much like

That gave me a random spark
to check on them,
to make sure they are
every day.


I resent the ones that can't tell an errant glance from a second look
And the time it takes to slap your ass back to the monkey's path
I resent the nit I'm made to pick with a dead prick
And the shotgun your mom slept with when I wasn't there
Like the Mossberg you used when you made your last decision
She could have sold it had you been a better coward
Instead of the kind you were when your finger found the trigger
Did you feel like a man made to bloom like a Kodiak sun
Angry at the sky and preemptively proud


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