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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Mean One

Thinking about you back then,
leaving always seemed a possibility.
I barely escaped with my ability to care about love.

My comfort being alone frightened you the most.
You couldn’t change the monsters you imagined
lurking behind what I was at peace with.

Staying together was always
what you wanted to talk about.
But at the time, I knew I'd rather drive a truck.

Sweet Maria

Sweet Maria, she's my passion:
jet black eyes and face all ashen.
She lures me with her scarlet lips,
and tempts me with her hourglass hips.

My Maria, she's a stunner.
Beautiful, like Eva Brunner.
Skin as soft as alabaster:
makes my heart beat faster, faster!

Poor Maria, told me, shedding
tears, that there would be no wedding.
Apparently, she loves another:
my, brainless, obtuse, older brother!

will you go?

they raise the sails
and ride the waves
into the wanderlust
they leap and soar
among swirling nebulae
chasing comet tails
they come in a dream
tasting like summer
lips tinged with gold
and pocket full of tales
they croon and lull
for you to come
will you go?

lonely heart

I felt you drift away
as the tethers slipped,
I knew I'd be alone
ties that bound were clipped

I always knew that day
would eventually come around,
I know that it's a wonder
I couldn't hear an earthly sound

I watched as your chest fell
you took that final gasp,
and all around was silent
as your body I'd enclasped

As I held on for a dear life
I didn't know up from down,
knowing I had to say goodbye
the tears I shed would drown

Another Day

I fell, and broke my heart

Knew it would break from the start

Saw it in your eyes, heard it in your voice

Knew it would happen but had no choice

It is not real love when one goes away

The other has pain that will always stay

Like a thousand needles falling like rain

Inside you, there resides an enduring pain

My heart aches a pain that it never knew

I will lay in bed another day without you

A Buddha Rap

Imagine Buddha with a gun.
Imagine Christ with an Uzi.
Imagine a prophet smoking crack.
Imagine a saint paying a whore.

Now imagine that within your heart there lies both divinity and murder.

Within your soul there is a song that is both a melody akin to a gentle rain fall but also the cry of suffering when a mother has lost her son.

And now go dance your dance sweet tyrant.

And move your tired limbs with as much grace as possible.

Symphony of summer on this bright inaugural dawn
Rabbits migrate from the meadows out into to the lawns
Salvia is in full bloom and the honey bees delight
Glancing upward to the skies I notice all the birds in flight

Peaceful is the mind beneath mid morning solstice light
The elements surround me in their sweet embrace so tight
Tranquility besets me, I breathe deeply this high noon
The ocean sings an ageless song to which I am in tune

Short n' Sweet

Her dark hair covers her face,
as if to hide her insecurities.
The black boots which bless her feet;
she walks with dignity and grace.
Despite the fiery hells that she has endured,
with her charred dress and burning skin,
the soil blooms before her among the earth...
As if a divine.
The tears that fall from her pale face,
grazes my skin as she embraces me
and I feel I have entered the eternal life.

Stones Into Diamonds

You said I love you for the first time
as you stepped from my car;
in a hurry to check us in at the crowded restaurant
while the car and I were headed for the gravel lot.

In that brief moment my hobnailed pause,
unintendedly cruel, must have made you feel
you had betrayed your vulnerable heart.

I considered your courage as you hesitated.
Disarmed by your words, but with clarity in the fore,
I echoed them back to you.

A Tale for a Winter's Eve.

The tale I tell be true,
Just as 'twer told to I.
A tale you may not believe,
Take the plank from out yer eye.

The wold veller what told I the tale
Wuz never one to lie.
I takes 'is word as gospel,
So should you afore you die.

A cold wind blows as I sits by the vire
He perched across from me
Hunched over the flames a'cracklin
Ale balanced on 'is scrawny knee.


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