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Bed Magic

Snuggled in my bed
Wrapped in its enfolding warmth
Alarm jangles me

Drifting in the Netherlands...

Drifting in the Netherlands, in the thick, grey, clammy mist
I woke suddenly to the low moaning of siren-song
Clammy fingers of fear, gripped my heart
I stumbled, struggling to keep balance, hold my soul...

My brain wasn't firing on all cylinders, sporadic power outages
Flickering off and on, stronger each time
The walls glowing bright-white, then dark after-images, blink, blink...
I'm baaaaaccck! Whew, now that was a trip!

Transient Photons

Within the morning’s glance you lie
Beside me in restful compose
While peeking through the bathroom window
Steeply angled, refractory light beams
Come darting through the door left slightly ajar
Exhausted from their journey of ninety-three million miles
Transient photons illuminate your supple form
My eyes are blessed by this sight as are my fingers
Who endlessly caress your outer thigh
Tirelessly chasing their own shadows
Leaving smooth tiny wakes on an ocean of creamy silk


Who made this spot for only me
To bathe me in the beauty of this land,
Where stately trees and sky are all you see
And you can feel the touch of nature's hand?

The everlasting sentinels of time
Wave in the clean sharp atmosphere above,
Dispensing fragrance born of sage and pine
Like Mother Nature's gifts of love.

Lost without you

someday you will come around
to thaw whats frozen
since you left
I sow tears
in the white land
to reap your smile
warm like sunshine
but icicles grew colder
each and every day...
I wrapped myself
with the freezing wind
to reach across
the blanket of snow
to find you in autumn
with a hint of cinnamon
between fiery leaves
or to look in summer
with glaring skies
dappled in gold
still no hint of you
I turned back then
with ragged steps

The creep (alias Harvey Specter)...

got what he wanted at my expense.

Said crack fast talking
hacker and scammer
pulled figurative wool over my eyes
going incognito and speaking a clipped
English mien his disguise.

He appeared (rather sounded) genuine
after yours truly experienced computer snafu
(the Macbook Pro essentially hogtied
courtesy virus that disabled any activity)
even turning the laptop off then on
only wrought frustration to boot.

Lost cloudy magic

Soft fluffy pillows that float way up high,
To hide a sun that sits up in the sky,
A plethora of shapes loom deceptive,
Over inquiring minds so receptive.

Molded people in a strange kind of way,
Or mystical bunnies that could hop away,
And oddly the mind stops to note,
Synchronised clouds starting to float.

And then, in a blink of an eye,
These clouds all started to cry,
Lost their magic, as if just a dream,
Then comes thunder, and I can't help but scream.

The Atlantic ocean...,an unrelenting mistress

More'n ten thousand leagues under the sea
next to an octopus's garden in the shade.

OceanGate manufacturer
of the Titan Submersible,
which vessel that set out to reach
Titanic shipwreck with five passengers
officials believe the suffered
a “catastrophic implosion”
apt analogy to mein kampf.

Strafed by Despair

Tired of body or tired of mind
Stay overworked or bored as hell
Sitting still means my thoughts accost me
Self doubt and loathing I know too well

Work as an outlet, I cannot sit still
Things need perfecting but I never will
A bottomless hole I can never fill
Loneliness pervades everything still

My own abuser, I keep coming back
Always there’s something to pull me off track
Habits developed from trauma way back
Patterns of anger and panic attacks


Listen to the realm of silence,
Slowly creeping into time, evenly torrent
Captivating rhythms, flowing fortissimo
Specks of air dropping down, glorious peace

Hear them sing, listen calmly, paying rapt attention
Little rain drops pitter-pattering on the dusty roof
Mingling with the sweet scent of the outside clay,
Leads me slowly into the space of peace,
To learn nothing, yet everything.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.